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Resources and publications

We have collected for you some technical information about natural gas and its technologies, and its regulatory environment.

Safety data sheets
Natural gas (gaseous state)
[PDF - Avril 2023]
[PDF - June 2019]
Government relations and Régie de l'énergie
Major industries blue bulletin

Transportation service
[PDF - October 2015]

Load-balancing service
[PDF - December 2006]
Inventory-related service
[PDF - October 2015]
General distribution service
[PDF - October 2015]
Conditions of service and Tariff
[PDF - 2017 March 31]

Bill components - D4 Tariff
[PDF - November 2015]
Bill components - D5 Tariff
[PDF -November 2015]
Calculation tools

Conversion factors
With our unit of measurement converter, you can convert gigajoules into cubic meters, cubic feet into BTU, or carry out any other conversion you need to make.
Weather calculation (hour BIN)
This calculator offers up-to-date weather data to calculate degree-day data for space heating and cooling.
Ventilation calculator
In addition to offering up-to-date weather data, this tool allows you to determine how much natural gas your ventilation system might consume and the energy savings you could generate if you opt for heat recovery.
Rooftop units energy savings calculator
Use our calculator to estimate energy savings with efficient rooftop units.
Natural gas pipe sizing
Based on the formulas in sections A.3.5 and B.3.5 of CSA B149.1-10 – Natural gas and propane installation code, this calculator estimates the maximum natural gas and propane capacity specifically for plastic and schedule 40 (SCH 40) blowjob. For copper tube estimates, refer to tables A.8 through A.14 and B.6 through B.10 in CSA B149.1-2010.
SPEC tool
This simulation tool was developed to calculate the energy efficiency of your steam boiler room. This is a key step to fully understanding the effectiveness of your steam boiler room and making informed decisions. Plus, you can assess the potential energy savings for five parameters (the most popular): economizers, blowdown reduction, blowdown recovery, micro-modulation and deaerator vent recovery.