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Who can benefit from dual-energy ?

The dual-energy electricity and natural gas offer is available to Énergir’s business and institutional who use a forced air or hot water central heating system powered by natural gas. The dual-energy conversion must include the purchase and installation of new equipment leading to the exclusive use of a dual-energy heating system. Certain conditions apply1. New commercial construction may be eligible for the dual-energy offer, under certain conditions. Talk to your representative.

What projects are eligible for dual energy?

1. Replacement

  • The replacement of one or more end-of-life natural gas furnaces.
  • The addition of one or more electric heating appliances in dual-energy mode.

2. Additional appliances

The addition of an electric heating appliance (dual-energy mode) in combination with existing natural gas furnaces to be replaced at a later date.

3. New installation

The installation of dual-energy systems consisting of a natural gas furnace and a dual energy electric heating appliance in a new construction. Certain conditions apply for new commercial construction. Talk to your representative.

Our customers choose dual-energy

Whether it’s an SME, commercial real estate company or municipality, many of our customers have opted to convert their buildings to dual energy. Discover the reasons behind their choice, the grants they obtained and the support they received throughout their project.

Read the full case studies

Interested in dual-energy ?

View grants   Discover the steps

1. Certain conditions apply. Grant amounts vary depending on the power of the appliances installed and the work done to install them.

Grant amounts cannot exceed 80% of the equipment purchase and installation premium cost.²

Costs for electrical work may be added to the cost of purchasing and installing the equipment.

To take advantage of the grants, you must sign a contract with your Énergir sales representative or certified natural gas partner prior to installation.

The grant amounts and program terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.