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Renewable natural gas

A concrete solution to help communities manage their residual materials

Renewable natural gas

Énergir has been actively promoting the development of municipal biomethanation projects since the very beginnings of the renewable natural gas (RNG), industry in Québec. RNG, also known as biomethane, is a future-forward choice for municipalities, in addition to being a true lever for achieving Québec’s climate change goals. Indeed, it is a 100% renewable energy source, which is crucial to a circular economy for municipalities!

How is RNG produced?

  1. Inputs: RNG is produced by the degradation of organic materials, especially from domestic, agricultural and industrial waste. For example, it can be produced from table scraps, food processing residues, manure, slurries, as well as sludge from wastewater treatment plants.
  2. RNG production: The organic materials are routed to a biodigester to be transformed into biogas. This biogas is purified to produce a gas – RNG - that is perfectly interchangeable with conventional natural gas. The process also produces a byproduct called digestate that can be used as a fertilizer.
  3. Injection: The RNG is measured, odorized, controlled, and then injected into the Énergir network to be distributed all over Québec.
  4. Energy recovery: Once injected into the Énergir network, the RNG can be used for the same purposes as conventional natural gas: transportation, heating, cooking, hot water, etc. Also, since it is produced locally, the RNG helps in developing a circular economy in the regions.

RNG production: Who can do it?

Regions and municipalities

  • Residential organic residues
  • Sludge from wastewater treatment plants


  • Manure and slurries
  • Agricultural residues

Landfill sites

  • Biogas captured on-site
  • Organic residual materials


  • Organic materials
  • Mud from treatment

Thinking of becoming a renewable natural gas producer?

Consult the guide (in French only)

Renewable natural gas, another step towards a circular economy

Renewable natural gas fits perfectly into a circular economy. See how residual organic matter, agricultural and industrial materials contribute to the economic growth of a municipality.

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1920x1080 Botte compost

By converting your organic waste into renewable natural gas, you are helping to reduce GHGs while increasing your municipality’s income.

We can help you at every step of your project

  • Help the start-up of your project
  • Choose a potential site
  • Answer technical questions
  • Share best practices and actual case studies
  • Put your teams in contact with partners
  • Facilitate networking between the project’s stakeholders

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