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Renewable natural gas

Exemplarity of the government and RNG

The Government of Québec and the province’s three major energy distributors (Hydro-Québec, Gazifère and Énergir) have partnered to support institutional building managers in achieving the government’s exemplarity objectives.

Renewable natural gas is a recognized renewable energy, along with hydro, solar, wind and waste biomass.

We encourage you to read the fact sheet on this topic. In it, you will find an explanation of our shared vision for the effective decarbonization of the institutional sector, along with all relevant information on the subject.

Read the fact sheet (only in French)

Compliance audit 2022 is complete

As announced in the December 2022 Blue Bulletin, Énergir has mandated the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) to conduct an independent audit of the accuracy and reliability of the RNG inventory that is made available and sold to our customers each year.

Énergir is proud to report that the compliance audit has been successfully completed and validated by the BNQ for the 2022 calendar year:

  • There was sufficient RNG inventory to cover sales billed to our customers, and the inventory has been properly handled; no molecule is more than 2 years old.
  • Each RNG molecule was purchased and sold only once.
  • The origin of the RNG acquired and sold was 100% organic.

The objective of this process is to be transparent and provide our customers with an additional tool to confirm their purchase of renewable energy associated with greenhouse gas reduction.

This process will be repeated annually and will be initiated in early 2024 for the 2023 calendar-year audit.