New Energy Efficiency Programs Now Available!
Your respective large industries advisors invite you to contact them to discuss the terms of these programs.
Optimizing Boiler Systems
The new program Optimizing Boiler Systems aims to increase the efficiency of boilers producing steam or hot water from natural gas through:
- Installing an economizer
- Installation of a micromodulation system
- Installing an O2 probe
- Installing thermal insulation on equipment and accessories

To know more:
- Discover the program by visiting the web page
- Communicate your intention to participate by completing this form.
Steam Trap Maintenance
This new program aims to encourage our customers to:
- Implement a maintenance plan for their steam traps
- Increase the frequency at which audits and replacement or repair of faulty traps are carried out
- Encourage the isolation of the steam traps

To know more
- Discover the program by visiting the web page
- You must deal with one of our authorized suppliers to receive our grants. Consult our Enrolment and Conditions form to read full eligibility criteria.
Your respective large industries advisors invite you to contact them to discuss the terms of these programs.

Bridgestone’s Joliette Plant Sets an Example for Decarbonization
As part of Bridgestone’s global strategy to reduce CO2 emissions, its plant in Joliette has launched an extensive decarbonization project based mainly on energy and heat recovery. In just a few years, these efforts have enabled the plant to cut its GHG emissions by 29% and significantly reduce its energy bill.