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Switch to dual energy

The agreement between Hydro-Québec, Énergir and the Government of Québec aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the best possible cost to Québec society, by allowing you to use the right energy source at the right time. You can also take advantage of grants¹ to offset some of the purchase and installation costs for your dual-energy heating system.

We'll guide you every step of the way

To help you transition to dual energy, your contractor or certified partner will guide you through the process—from submitting your project to commissioning the system and applying for grants.

For large-scale projects that require special support, your engineer or consulting engineering firm will take charge of your project.

Step 1

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2

Step 3

Step 3

Step 4

Step 4

Step 1

Discuss your needs with a professional

Are your appliances nearing the end of their life cycle, or are you looking to change your building’s heating system? Discuss your needs with a professional to get recommendations tailored to your situation.

  • If you already have a contractor, certified partner or engineer, contact them directly.
  • Don’t know where to start? Our customer service can direct you to the right people. Get in touch!

Step 2

Get a quote

  • Discuss your project with the certified professional and get a quote from them that includes the costs for purchasing and installing your new dual-energy system. The quote will include grant amounts to which you may be entitled.¹
  • If you accept the quote, you will then sign a dual-energy contract.
  • Once the contract has been signed, Énergir will confirm your registration for dual energy.

Step 3

Professional installation

Talk to your chosen professional and decide on the installation details for your dual-energy system.

If the power distribution network needs to be adapted, Hydro-Québec will take care of the work at no cost to you.

The dual-energy rate² will take effect once the dual-energy meter is installed.

Step 4

Receive your grants

Once the installation is completed, you will need to send us the installation invoice and all requested documents so that we can pay out the grants¹ to which you are entitled, as long as all conditions³ have been met.

Step 1

Step 1

Step 1

Discuss your needs with a professional

Are your appliances nearing the end of their life cycle, or are you looking to change your building’s heating system? Discuss your needs with a professional to get recommendations tailored to your situation.

  • If you already have a contractor, certified partner or engineer, contact them directly.
  • Don’t know where to start? Our customer service can direct you to the right people. Get in touch!
Step 2

Step 2

Step 2

Get a quote

  • Discuss your project with the certified professional and get a quote from them that includes the costs for purchasing and installing your new dual-energy system. The quote will include grant amounts to which you may be entitled.¹
  • If you accept the quote, you will then sign a dual-energy contract.
  • Once the contract has been signed, Énergir will confirm your registration for dual energy.
Step 3

Step 3

Step 3

Professional installation

Talk to your chosen professional and decide on the installation details for your dual-energy system.

If the power distribution network needs to be adapted, Hydro-Québec will take care of the work at no cost to you.

The dual-energy rate² will take effect once the dual-energy meter is installed.

Step 4

Step 4

Step 4

Receive your grants

Once the installation is completed, you will need to send us the installation invoice and all requested documents so that we can pay out the grants¹ to which you are entitled, as long as all conditions³ have been met.

Take advantage of grants to switch to dual energy!

Not only will you save on your monthly energy bill,2 you can also take advantage of grants from the Government of Québec, Hydro-Québec and Énergir.¹ These are meant to offset some of the purchase and installation costs for your new appliances.

Learn more

Ready to take action?

Want to discuss your project? Contact us today.


1. Certain conditions apply. Grant amounts vary depending on the power of the appliances installed and the work done to install them.

Grant amounts cannot exceed 80% of the equipment purchase and installation premium cost.⁴

Costs for electrical work may be added to the cost of purchasing and installing the equipment.

To take advantage of the grants, you must sign a contract with your Énergir sales representative or certified natural gas partner prior to installation.

The grant amounts and program terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

2. By switching to dual energy, business customers benefit from the dual-energy rate of their electricity provider. The costs and potential savings were calculated based on Hydro-Québec’s small- and medium-power dual-energy rate.

The dual-energy rate is in effect during the heating season, from October 1 to April 30. Outside of this period, from May 1 to September 30, electricity prices for dual energy are the same as the base rates (G, M, or G9).

3. To take advantage of the dual-energy offer, business customers must meet the eligibility criteria below.

  • The customer must have received approval of the electricity distributor, or municipal or cooperative customer network, if applicable, that it will install the electrical connection required for dual-energy conversion.
  • Be an Énergir customer in the business, institutional or multi-unit property sector (buildings with 20 or more dwellings).
  • Own the building they plan to convert to dual energy. The building must be connected to Énergir’s natural gas network and must use natural gas or renewable natural gas (or a combination of both) for space heating, either with a warm air (forced air) or hot water central heating system, for at least 12 months at the time of the grant application. New commercial or institutional construction may be eligible for the dual-energy offer, under certain conditions. Talk about it with an Énergir representative.
  • Be registered for Hydro-Québec’s small- and medium-power dual-energy rate, or for a participating municipal or cooperative network’s dual-energy rate (contact us for information on participating municipal or cooperative networks). Eligibility requirements and details of the dual-energy rate must be discussed with your electricity provider.
  • Commit to using the dual-energy natural gas and electricity system, at the dual-energy rate, for at least 10 years from the date of dual-energy rate registration.
  • The work must:
    o Involve the installation of one or more dual-energy heating systems, and the equipment installed must be new equipment used in dual-energy mode;
    o Allow electricity to be used as the primary energy source and natural gas as an auxiliary source in a dual-energy system;
    o Be carried out by one or more contractors with a registered Registraire des entreprises du Québec business; they must hold the appropriate Régie du bâtiment (RBQ) licences for the work and be members of the professional order responsible for the business sector in question.
  • To be eligible for the grant, eligible participants must:
    o submit their grant application (BI dual-energy contract) no more than 30 calendar days from the invoice date for installation of equipment in dual-energy mode, or no more than 30 calendar days from the purchase order date for equipment in dual-energy mode for the custom dual-energy offer;
    o comply with the Government of Québec’s ÉcoPerformance program requirements.

Requests for work completed before November 6, 2023, are not eligible.

Grant recipients may be required to repay all or part of the grants received if the accepted terms and conditions are not followed through to completion, or if the information provided is considered false or a misrepresentation.

4. The premium cost for a project is the difference between the estimated cost of a project (the cost of purchasing and installing a dual-energy system) and the estimated baseline cost (the cost of purchasing and installing a natural gas appliance).