Steps to add or replace equipment
Your company is already connected to the gas network of Énergir and you wish to add new natural gas appliances to increase your energy efficiency and lower your energy costs? Your appliances are getting old and you want to replace them with new ones, more effective and more efficient? Follow the steps below.
Contact Énergir, one of our representative will help you manage the purchase and installation of your new equipment. Depending on your needs, we will direct you to the appropriate heating contractor an Énergir Partner who will take care of installing your equipment. Of course, you can also have your equipment installed by a heating contractor who isn’t a Énergir partner. However, only Énergir Partners can take all of the necessary steps enabling you to benefit from Énergir grants for the purchase and installation of your equipment. This is a simple way to make your life easier and ensure that you receive high quality work.
Questions and answers
Who are the Énergir Partners exactly?
A quality installation is guaranteed thanks to our Énergir Partners. These are independent entrepreneurs and are all members of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ). They are subject to a number of strict quality controls and must hold a contractor's licence from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ)

Understanding your company's unique needs
Identify the best solution
Give you a quote
Understanding your company's unique needs
Énergir’s Partner will come to your company’s premises to assess your current energy needs (heating, hot water, ventilation, etc.). A professional analysis will also be useful to identify the solutions which will help you get the most from natural gas’ potential.
Opportunities to save money and boost performance
Following the analysis of your current needs, Énergir’s Authorized Partner will explain the best solutions available to you in terms of equipment and technology, as well as the advantages and implications of each solution, always taking into consideration your company`s particular circumstances.
Know the cost of the project and identify available grants
Energir’s Partner will give you a breakdown of the costs involved in purchasing and installing the natural gas equipment previously identified, as well as identifying any grants for which you are eligible. You will then have all the information you need to decide whether to go ahead with your project.
Understanding your company's unique needs
Understanding your company's unique needs
Énergir’s Partner will come to your company’s premises to assess your current energy needs (heating, hot water, ventilation, etc.). A professional analysis will also be useful to identify the solutions which will help you get the most from natural gas’ potential.
Identify the best solution
Opportunities to save money and boost performance
Following the analysis of your current needs, Énergir’s Authorized Partner will explain the best solutions available to you in terms of equipment and technology, as well as the advantages and implications of each solution, always taking into consideration your company`s particular circumstances.
Give you a quote
Know the cost of the project and identify available grants
Energir’s Partner will give you a breakdown of the costs involved in purchasing and installing the natural gas equipment previously identified, as well as identifying any grants for which you are eligible. You will then have all the information you need to decide whether to go ahead with your project.
Looking for a grant?
An Énergir expert will guide you through the simple process and help find the grants for which you are eligible.