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Water: the source of one of our renewable energies

Using water for producing renewable energy is perfectly natural and is one more solution in the fight against climate change. Énergir's subsidiary,  Green Mountain Power , has the biggest portfolio of hydroelectric generating stations in New England.

About hydroelectricity

A hydroelectric generating station is a plant that uses water as the driving force to produce energy. Water enters the generating station and travels through a pipe that quickly drives it to the turbine. The turbine's role is to use the water's energy to turn the generator, which converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy. The water is sent back to the river by way of a tailrace.

Power generation and distribution in Vermont

Green Mountain Power (GMP), an Énergir subsidiary, generates and  distributes electricity  in Vermont, serving more than 260,000 customers, or about 70% of the market. GMP buys and produces its electricity using various sources. It has 32 hydro stations for producing hydroelectricity.

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Énergir is committed to a more energy-efficient future

To help fight against climate change, our team is implementing concrete solutions because it is committed to offering out customers and communities a more energy-efficient future.

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Our energies

We believe diversity is key to the future of energy. This is why Énergir is involved in developing renewable, liquefied and compressed natural gas, solar and wind power and hydroelectricity.

Natural gas

Énergir is the largest gas distributor in Quebec and Vermont.

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Renewable natural gas

Renewable natural gas produced from organic matter.

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Liquefied natural gas

LNG is natural gas that changes from a gaseous to a liquid state.

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Compressed natural gas

CNG is compressed natural gas that can be used as fuel.

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Wind power

Investments in several wind farms in Quebec and Vermont.

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Solar power

Solar farm, energy efficiency programs and other innovative projects.

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Hydroelectricity generation through our US subsidiary.

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Cow power

Producing electricity takes an unexpected form in Vermont.

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