A safe and reliable network
Énergir's distribution network is among the most modern in North America and is maintained by a team of experts who monitor the system 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Moreover, the design and construction of Énergir's network meet the most stringent standards of the Canadian gas industry.

Real time data
There are over a hundred control points across the whole system that take real-time readings of temperature, pressure and load. This important information enables us to manage the system meticulously and ensure its effective and safe operation.
Monitoring and preventive maintenance
Our monitoring and preventive maintenance programs ensure the integrity of our network. Did you know that Energir:
- Patrols its entire 10,000-km network every two years?
- Patrols its 870-km transmission network each year?
- Checks its 153,000 building connections every six years?
- Inspects the connections to 2,600 priority buildings every year?
- Takes 400 selective odorant readings every month?
- Respond to more than 100,000 requests for localization of natural gas pipes every year?

Prevention basics
While natural gas is one of the safest and cleanest energy sources, it is nevertheless important to follow the basic rules of prevention, maintenance and installation for natural gas equipment.
Check before you dig!
Did you know that three-quarters of the breaks to underground pipes are caused by an error or negligence of the people doing the excavation? Around your house, there may be essential underground systems that you and your neighbors rely on, including gas lines, power lines and television cables. Learn more
Unblocking a sewer line
The natural gas industry has been using trenchless technology for years to install its underground infrastructures. While this approach saves time, is cost-effective and has little impact on the environment, some natural gas lines installed using this technique may have inadvertently intersected with a sewer service line. Learn more