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Energy efficiency

New: more than one feasibility study per year now allowed! 

Good news! The Régie has approved conducting more than one feasibility study per fiscal year for major industry clients like you.

Here are two examples of situations where Énergir could now accept more than one request for the same account number in a given fiscal year:

  • An industrial complex with at least two plants producing deliverable outputs
  • A plant with several distinct sectors that use significant quantities of natural gas. More specifically, plant sectors that can be defined by a reporting entity, such as an independent department in regard to operating budget or with process parameters that are deemed to use significant quantities of natural gas.

Requests to conduct more than one feasibility study per fiscal year must be preapproved by Énergir. Each additional feasibility study request approved by Énergir is eligible for a new financial assistance limit of $50,000 per year.

Energy Efficiency Results and Targets for Next Year 

For fiscal 2021–2022, Énergir had an ambitious goal of achieving annual savings of more than 48 million m³ of natural gas with the help of its six energy efficiency programs.

Today, Énergir is very proud to announce that its targets have been exceeded, with total savings of over 50 million m³ of natural gas— a record unrivalled until now! This is the equivalent of 30,000 fewer cars on the road. Énergir would like to thank you because your energy efficiency projects have been instrumental in achieving these results.

Targets for 2022–2023

Énergir has set the most ambitious energy efficiency target in its history for fiscal 2022–2023, aiming for savings of over 54 million m³ of natural gas!

The Régie has authorized grants in line with these ambitious targets, and we invite you to take advantage of them. If you are considering energy efficiency projects this year, contact your advisor today.