Customize your purchase
The choice is yours. Add 1% to 100% RNG to your purchase profile. Here are a few examples of the potential impacts for a medium-sized home of about 160 m2 heated with natural gas.

Good to know!
Your percentage is flexible and can be easily modified at any time directly in the Customer Space.
How do you choose the right percentage?
Use the Customer Space to estimate the impact of different RNG percentages on your personal consumption, with no obligation on your part.
Log in to the Customer Space. If you don't have an account, choose the "Create my account" option.

On the home page, click on 'Open the Renewable Natural Gas Space'. If you have more than one account, select the one you want first.

Click the "Create" option next to the relevant address.

Enter different percentages in "Conversion ratio" and compare the impact on your monthly bill and on the environment.

Enter the desired percentage and start date.
For a commitment of 5 years or more, please contact us to confirm your purchase as you may be eligible for a grant.

Questions about RNG?
Learn more about the advantages of RNG and its distribution through the Énergir network.
Renewable natural gas on your bill
The supply rate for RNG is set annually as part of the Rate Case filed each year with the Régie de l'énergie. Note that there is no charge related to the Cap and Trade Emission Allowances Service for RNG.
You'll find the cost associated with your purchase percentage in the Calculation of the Amount Billed section of your invoice, as in this billing example.

We've got answers.
The cost gap between renewable natural gas (RNG) and traditional natural gas is based on different production processes and costs, and on the availability of inventories in a context of high demand for renewable energy.
As is the case with traditional natural gas, Énergir does not profit from the sale of RNG molecules, and our teams make every effort to ensure it is supplied at the lowest cost to all our customers.
You can request a change to your renewable natural gas purchasing profile at any time. As a customer, for an effective date of the first of the following month, submit your request no later than the 20th of the current month. Requests received after the 20th of the month will be processed with the following month’s requests. Request a change right in your Customer Space, specifying the revised purchase percentage and desired effective date.
Nothing can confirm exactly how much RNG is consumed in your appliances, since RNG and traditional natural gas circulate in the same gas network. The molecules are therefore intermingled. It's the same for the electricity you consume: we can't know which dam or wind turbine the electron that lights our homes comes from.
When you buy RNG, you can be sure that this volume has been purchased by Énergir as part of its supply, replacing the traditional natural gas molecules. Your renewable natural gas purchase volumes are indicated on your detailed invoices under total natural gas consumption. Énergir has its RNG supply and inventory verified by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).
We're here to help
If you have any questions about renewable natural gas or the application process,
please contact our Customer Service team.
*Approximate value. Calculations based on the emission factors used in the Règlement sur la déclaration obligatoire de certaines émissions de contaminants dans l’atmosphère (RDOCECA) Qc.30.
**Approximate value. Calculations based on the Facteurs d’émission et de conversion of the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) and on the Passenger Transportation Explanatory Variables’ table from Natural Resources Canada (2020).
***Based on the heating consumption and sanitary hot water for an average household (about 160 m2) charged at current rates.