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Unblocking a sewer line

Beware of cross bores! Deep down, it's all about safety.

The natural gas industry has been using trenchless technology for years to install its underground infrastructures. While this approach saves time, is cost-effective and has little impact on the environment, some natural gas lines installed using this technique may have inadvertently intersected with a sewer service line.

Some cases call for extra vigilance

If you try to clear a blocked sewer line using mechanical tools or a high-pressure water jet, you could inadvertently damage a natural gas line.

This could cause a gas leak, creating a potentially dangerous situation.


Énergir has implemented three solutions to the cross-bore problem:

  • Inform, train and alert plumbers, drainage companies and municipalities about the possibility of this situation on the natural gas network;
  • Implement a program to identify and correct cross bores on the network;
  • Improve installation methods and prevention techniques for drilling installations before beginning the work. This may involve an inspection of sanitary and storm water sewers by camera or a verification by excavation.

Important safety precautions

Before you start work on unblocking a sewer service line, certain safety measures must be followed to prevent any risks or dangers.

  • Contact Info-Excavation at 1 800 663-9228 and select the emergency requests option.
  • If Info-Excavation confirms that there is no interference between the natural gas and sewer service lines, you will be given verbal authorization and a file number indicating you can proceed.
  • If there are natural gas lines, a crew will be sent to the site to locate the natural gas and the sewer service lines.
  • If a natural gas line does interfere with the blocked sewer service line, the situation will be corrected immediately and you will be issued a document, allowing you to proceed with the work. (Note that Énergir will assume the costs of the work and wait time.)

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A safe energy

Natural gas is a safe energy source. In Quebec, nearly 200,000 customers, including a high percentage of schools, hospitals, businesses and large companies, use it every day.

Learn more

Prevention basics

While natural gas is one of the safest and cleanest energy sources, it is nevertheless important tofollow the basic rules of prevention, maintenance and installation for natural gas equipment.

Learn more

In case of emergency, call 9-1-1.

If service is not available in your region, call 1 800 361-8003.

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Energir is committed to a more energy-efficient future

To help fight against climate change, our team is implementing concrete solutions because it is committed to offering out customers and communities a more energy-efficient future.

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