Our selection process
Because we need you on our team, we take the time to get to know you and ask you questions. These interviews allow us to better understand your background, interests and talents, to ensure that you'll find your place on your future team. We take pride in offering you a human, personalized process, a forest of what awaits you after hiring. In addition, Énergir is an equal opportunity employer. Come and interview us!
"I already knew the advantages of working for a well-established company that respects its employees. After the telephone interview, I completed an online French language test and an English language assessment by telephone. The Human Resources Department was readily available to me throughout the process. I was immediately made to feel comfortable in a face-to-face interview with the HR representative and my supervisors."
— Danik Lurette, Accounts receivable representative
Submit your application
To submit your application, simply select the position you’re interested in and apply directly online! Include an updated version of your résumé in your profile, making sure to highlight the experience and skills that are relevant to the position.
Analysis of your application
Have you applied? Your professional experience, education and profile will be analyzed based on the requirements of the position. If your application is selected, we’ll contact you to continue the selection process.
Telephone interview
If we decide to keep your application after analyzing it, a talent acquisition advisor will contact you for a telephone interview.
This interview will allow us to get to know you better, as well as confirm your interests and motivations. If knowledge of English is required for the position, you may be asked a question in English to assess your comfort level.
This call is also an opportunity for us to answer your questions, and to explain the other steps in the selection process for the position you applied for.
Based on the requirements of the position, you may be asked to take one or more tests during the process (theoretical, psychometric, physical and practical).
Please note that these tests vary depending on the position. You’ll be able to check which tests apply for the position you’re interested in during the telephone interview.
Selection interview
We want to meet you! If you successfully pass the above steps, you’ll be invited to a selection interview, which is usually conducted with someone from the talent acquisition team and one or two managers from the team of the position to be filled. This meeting allows us to get to know each other better!
A very structured selection process was put in place for technician positions in line with gas network maintenance. We invest extensively in training the people who hold these positions because Énergir takes employee and public safety to heart. For the sake of transparency and in order to give everyone a fair chance, here are the steps of the process.
Submit your application
To submit your application, simply select the position that interests you and apply directly online! Include an updated version of your résumé in your profile, making sure to highlight the experience and skills that are relevant to the position.
Analysis of applications
After you apply, we will analyze your application to validate the basic pre-requisites:
- College diploma with successful completion of the following courses: Secondary 4 mathematics and physics, secondary 5 English and French.
- Valid class 5 driver’s licence.
If your application is selected, we will contact you to continue the selection process.
Telephone interview and tests
If you possess the basic pre-requisites, we will contact you for a short telephone interview to verify some requirements specific to the position. If everything is in order, we will invite you to a test session.
Psychometric tests and theoretical knowledge test
We use three tests: a cognitive ability test, a personality test and a theoretical knowledge test.
Cognitive ability testAmong other things, this test measures analytical and problem-solving skills and the ability to learn.
Personality testThis test associates your personality traits to certain skills essential for these positions.
No specific preparation is required for these first two tests.
Theoretical knowledge testThis test measures secondary 4 mathematics and physics concepts. For this test, we suggest reviewing the following aspects:
- Electricity (e.g. Ohm’s law, series and parallel circuits, electrical components, notions of power and energy).
- Mathematics (e.g. Basic algebra, rule of three, calculating fractions, percentage, surface, volume, geometry).
- Physics (e.g. volume, pressure, temperature).
Once your tests have been corrected, we will send you an email letting you know whether you have passed them. If your test results are not satisfactory, you must wait two years before taking the tests again.Show more
Structured interview
If you pass all three tests, we will invite you to the structured interview, where you will meet a selection committee. Once your interview has been reviewed, we will email or call you to let you know whether you passed the interview. If the results of the interview are not satisfactory, you must wait at least a year before being interviewed again. If the interview is conclusive, we will invite you to the following step, which consists of a physical abilities test.
Physical abilities test
This test serves to determine whether you can accomplish the physically demanding tasks of the trade and prevent work-related injuries. It was put in place to ensure that you possess the minimum physical capacities required for the job.
You can consult an overview of the test on the following site (French only): Tests d'aptitudes physiques - techniciens d'Énergir
It also proposes a specific training program to help you prepare adequately for the test. Once you complete the test, we will let you know whether you passed it. If the results of the test are not satisfactory, you must wait at least a year before taking it again. If you pass the test, we will schedule a pre-employment medical exam and verify your professional references.
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Verification of professional references and pre-employment medical exam
The verification of professional references consists in validating your professional background and diplomas. The pre-employment medical exam serves to confirm that you are able to occupy the position.