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About LNG

Natural gas in a liquid form

LNG is natural gas cooled to -160o C, the temperature at which it changes from a gas to a liquid. In liquid form, it takes up 600 times less space than in its gaseous stat

LNG, an effective solution to reduce the energy bill and GHG

Given the current trend in energy prices, using LNG can offer substantial savings based on a customer’s profile. LNG can also improve a company’s environmental footprint because it generates fewer greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants than oil products.

Facilitated supply

In the same space, it is therefore possible to store 600 times more energy with LNG than with natural gas in a gaseous state—a definite advantage in terms of transportation and storage. Once liquefied, natural gas is stored in cryogenic tanks. LNG can then be delivered to different customers within a radius of more than 1,000 kilometres of Gaz Métro’s LSR plant.

Properties that promote social acceptability

Given the current trend in energy prices, using LNG can offer substantial savings based on a customer’s profile. LNG can also improve a company’s environmental footprint because it generates fewer greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants than oil products.

Up to


Fever GHG

Up to


fewer fine particles

Properties that promote social acceptability

Given the current trend in energy prices, using LNG can offer substantial savings based on a customer’s profile. LNG can also improve a company’s environmental footprint because it generates fewer greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants than oil products.

Industrial sector

In Québec, the industrial sector is responsible for roughly one-third of GHG emissions. When a plant uses natural gas instead of oil for heating, processing, fuel and electric power, it cuts its GHG emissions by up to 32%. Also, for many types of industrial processes, electricity cannot replace a thermal energy like oil or natural gas. This is why the possibility of using natural gas is a key factor in sustainable economic development.

Mining sector

Natural gas has a number of applications: electricity production, heating, mineral processing and transportation.

“With a natural gas supply delivered by Gaz Métro LNG, companies now have access to a more powerful energy source that offers excellent energy savings. Not only is this an advantage for companies operating here, but it is also a key asset for Québec’s competitiveness internationally, as it helps to attract strategic foreign investment in our economy.”
Pierre Gabriel Côté, president and CEO of Investissement Québec

Road transportation

The only alternative to diesel for heavy transportation

The road transportation sector is the biggest GHG emitter in Québec, accounting for 43% of total emissions. Heavy vehicles using diesel emit 28% of this total. Natural gas has proven effective for road transportation through its less polluant combustion compared to diesel motors. A truck that runs on natural gas instead of diesel makes it possible to reduce GHG emissions by up to 25% as well as almost completely eliminate the emission of air pollutants. Not only is natural gas a safe choice, it cuts engine noise emissions by 10 decibels—which gets unanimous support. Worldwide, more than 20 million vehicles already run on natural gas.

A growing network of stations

The first public network of compressed and liquefied natural gas refuelling stations for Canada’s transportation industry was introduced in 2011. Some of the stations are located along the corridor of highways A-20/H-401, between Québec City and Toronto. As deployment of the network continues, compressed and liquefied natural gas fuelling points will be added in a strategic, flexible manner at various Québec and Ontario locations, in accordance with the market.

Maritime transportation

In support of the Québec Maritime Strategy, LNG offers a concrete solution in the fight against climate change. It helps reduce the environmental impact of operations carried out by maritime industry stakeholders, who are now converting to LNG.

The LNG fuel supply system developed by Énergir has been available at the Port of Montréal and at the Port of Québec. This is a key step that allows local and foreign shipowners to comply with the increasingly stringent standards on polluting emissions.

Groupe Desgagnés, a major Québec shipping company, has acquired many vessels running on LNG bi-fuel.  Watch the video

In 2015, the Société des Traversiers du Québec has commissioned the F.-A.-Gauthier —the first ferry in North America to use LNG as fuel.

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