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Wind power

Using a natural source–wind–to generate clean electricity

To aspire to a more energy-efficient future, it is in Québec’s interest to develop a diversified energy portfolio. Ensuring that different energies and sources of energy complement one another is a solution that supports the reduction of greenhouse gas. Wind power is a renewable energy, just like hydroelectricitysolar energy and renewable natural gas.

About wind power

Wind power is generated by the force wind exerts on the blades of a turbine causing them to rotate at a speed of 10 to 20 revolutions per minute. The wind turbine only begins turning when the wind reaches a speed of 12 km/h. The generator connected to the blades then converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is transported to the substation by a network of underground cables. At the substation, the electricity’s voltage is increased before being distributed to consumers via the network. In spite of its impressive height of approximately 150 m, a wind turbine is quite quiet: from 500 m away, its noise level is comparable to a calm library.

Our projects

Énergir invests in wind power production in Québec and in Vermont with its subsidiary Green Mountain Power. These projects promote energies that reduce the environmental footprint and encourage economic development in the regions.

Seigneurie de Beaupré wind farms – Québec

The Seigneurie de Beaupré wind farms are among the largest of their kind in the country. Including Boralex and energy corporation Valener, Énergir owns three wind farms: Farms 2 and 3, commissioned at the end of 2013, and Farm 4, commissioned at the end of 2014. Together, these farms comprise 154 wind turbines totalling an installed capacity of 340 MW and generating enough electricity to satisfy the annual consumption of more than 65,000 Québec homes.

Searsburg wind farm – Vermont, U.S.

The Searsburg wind farm is owned by Green Mountain Power, a subsidiary of Énergir. This farm has an installed capacity of 6 MW, enough energy to power the equivalent of 2,000 homes. The wind farm also serves as an education resource for wind generation in cold climates and environmentally sensitive regions. When construction was completed in 1997, Searsburg became the largest wind power facility in the eastern United States.

Kingdom wind farm – Vermont, U.S.

In 2012, Green Mountain Power, an Énergir subsidiary, built 21 wind turbines along the ridgeline of the Lowell Mountain Range, working together with Vermont Electric Coop. This particularly windy site generates enough electricity to power 24,000 homes.

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Énergir is committed to a more energy-efficient future

To help fight against climate change, our team is implementing concrete solutions because it is committed to offering out customers and communities a more energy-efficient future.

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Our energies

We believe diversity is key to the future of energy. This is why Énergir is involved in developing renewable, liquefied and compressed natural gas, solar and wind power and hydroelectricity.

Natural gas

Énergir is the largest gas distributor in Quebec and Vermont.

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Renewable natural gas

Renewable natural gas produced from organic matter.

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Liquefied natural gas

LNG is natural gas that changes from a gaseous to a liquid state.

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Compressed natural gas

CNG is compressed natural gas that can be used as fuel.

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Wind power

Investments in several wind farms in Quebec and Vermont.

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Solar power

Solar farm, energy efficiency programs and other innovative projects.

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Hydroelectricity generation through our US subsidiary.

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Cow power

Producing electricity takes an unexpected form in Vermont.

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