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Switching to RNG is easy!

Here’s a quick guide to incorporating renewable natural gas into your energy consumption.


Log in to your Customer Space.


On the home page, click or tap the button to go to the section on renewable natural gas.


Choose one of the suggested consumption profiles or customize the ratio of renewable naturel gas to suit your needs.

Personalize your purchase  according to your needs

Adding renewable natural gas to your consumption profile is a simple and flexible process:

  • You may change or modify your Renewable Natural Gas consumption profile each 1st of the month with a minimum prior notice.
  • You won’t need new appliances.

Get in on the Decarbonization Incentive Program

Énergir wants to encourage existing customers to take steps toward building decarbonization.

By signing a firm 5-year agreement for the purchase of a minimum of 5% RNG , you receive a subsidy in return for the equivalent of one year's worth of greenhouse gases (GHG) avoided by this commitment1.

The subsidy, up to a maximum of $15,000 per building, gives you a helping hand to limit the financial impact of this transition to more RNG. 

Discuss it with one of our representatives.

1-800-567-1313                 Contact us 

What does RNG costs?

The price for 2023 is 72,457 ¢/m3 (19,12 $/GJ).

The annual RNG supply rate is set annually as part of the Rate Case filed each year with Régie de l’énergie.

Note that no cap-and-trade system (CATS) fees are charged for RNG at this time.

Incorporate RNG into my energy consumption


We've got answers.

Why is renewable natural gas considered clean?

Through a process of biomethanation, organic matter (food waste, slurry, manure, wastewater, etc.) is transformed into biogas, which once purified becomes renewable natural gas. 

This product reduces greenhouse gas emissions in two ways: first, by replacing fossil energy with renewable energy, and second, by avoiding methane emissions associated with the disposal of organic waste at landfill sites. 

Renewable natural gas is recognized by Natural Resources Canada as a renewable energy and clean fuel that will help Canada achieve its new net-zero emission targets. In addition, according to the Government of Québec’s Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere, greenhouse gas emissions for RNG are very low and comparable to hydroelectricity emissions (0.30 kg CO2-eq/GJ for RNG vs. 0.44 kg CO2-eq/GJ for hydro).

Why is there a difference in cost between natural gas and renewable natural gas?

The cost gap between renewable natural gas (RNG) and traditional natural gas is based on different production processes and costs, and on the availability of inventories in a context of high demand for renewable energy.

As is the case with traditional natural gas, Énergir does not profit from the sale of RNG molecules, and our teams make every effort to ensure it is supplied at the lowest cost to all our customers.

Do I need to modify any of my equipment to use renewable natural gas?

No. You don't need to buy or modify any equipment, because RNG and natural gas are interchangeable. RNG meets our quality standards and can be used for the same purposes as natural gas.

Can I make changes to my consumption of renewable natural gas at any time?

You can request a change to your RNG purchase profile at any time. As a residential customer, to take effect on the 1st of the following month, submit your request no later than the 20th day of the current month. Requests received after the 20th of the month will be processed with the following month's requests. The request is made directly in the Customer Space, specifying the revised consumption percentage and the desired effective date.

Is Énergir doing its part and using renewable natural gas for its own energy needs?

“Énergir has transitioned to renewable natural gas for its various buildings*. Eight regional business offices, the head office, the gas technology school and the LSR plant have been upgraded to 100% RNG. Our next business office in Estrie, currently under construction, will also be 100% GNR.

This choice supports our objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our buildings and is part of achieving decarbonization targets for buildings in Quebec.”

*Buildings owned by Énergir.

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1920x747 GNR enfants

Our goals for the future

10% of renewable natural gas in our network by 2030 = a reduction of 1 million tons of GHG

that’s equal to 250,000 fewer cars on the road

*Approximate value. Calculations based on the emission factors used in the Règlement sur la déclaration obligatoire de certaines émissions de contaminants dans l’atmosphère (RDOCECA) Qc.30.

**Approximate value. Calculations based on the Facteurs d’émission et de conversion of the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) and on the Passenger Transportation Explanatory Variables’ table from Natural Resources Canada (2020).

***Based on the heating consumption and sanitary hot water for a small business or multi-dwelling of 10 units (about 1000 m²) charged at current rates.

1. For customers not subject to the new decision regarding 100% renewable energy connections for new construction.