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Call 9-1-1. If this service is not available in your region, call 1 800 361-8003.

Smell gas

Natural gas is odourless. A very smelly substance is added so leaks can be detected. This substance, called mercaptan, gives off a strong smell of rotten eggs.

What to do?

1. Avoid flames and sparks.

  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not turn on any appliance near the leak, not even a cell phone or a light switch – static electricity could produce a spark.

2. Leave the building immediately or move well away from the leak if you are already outdoors.

Without delaying your exit, on your way out, you could open doors and windows (or leave them open) to ensure maximum ventilation.

3. Call 9-1-1.

If this service is not available in your region, call 1 800 361-8003.

Feeling dizzy, nauseous or you have a headache

If you are feeling dizzy or nauseous, or you have a headache, especially near a natural gas appliance, leave the building immediately and call medical services at 9-1-1. An appliance that is not working properly can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Other unusual situations, such as a flood, ice storm or abundant snow, may call for special measures being taken. These are covered under Prevention Basics.

Customer Service

For questions about billing or other general questions, please contact our Customer Service.

Monday through Friday, 8 am to 6 pm

For the whole Quebec: 1 800 875-9354
From outside Quebec: 514 598-3222
Fax: 514 598-3144
[email protected]

Your commercial representative

Your commercial representative is the most valuable ally to help you assess your energy needs.

He informs you about our rates as well as our commercial and financing programs. He can maximize your energy efficiency by advising you on innovative and efficient gas technology.

Your commercial representative also serves as the liaison between you, our DATECH Group engineers and Énergir Partners. His primary purpose: to offer you customized service, peace of mind and the most efficient energy installation on the market. If you want to communicate with your local sales representative, contact us.

1 800 563-1516  or  Write us


Did you know that three-quarters of the breaks to underground pipes are caused by the clumsiness or negligence of the people digging? Around your building, there may be essential underground systems like these that you and your neighbours rely on: gas lines, power lines, television cables.

Before digging or unblock a drain

Contact Info-Excavation

Free underground facilities locating service

Placing a locate request on line

Or, for an emergency:
Montréal area : 514 286-9228
For the whole of Québec: 1 800 663-9228

Comments and complaints

Comments and complaints

Énergir pays close attention to the interests and expectations of its customers. We want to give you the best possible service, so hearing what you have to say is one of our priorities.

We appreciate your comments since they help us continue to improve. Please be assured that they are studied carefully.

To submit a comment, please fill the form.

A procedure simple as 1-2-3

1- Our Customer Service is listening

2-Complaints Coordination Office

3- Régie de l'énergie

Your comments on our activities should first be reported to the Énergir's Customer Service. Our representatives have been trained to respond to your requests and they can resolve most of your issues.

Choose the communication method you prefer:

Clearly word your request and, when you communicate with us by telephone or in writing, please make sure you have all the information needed:

  • supporting documents
  • account number
  • dates
  • names
  • etc.

If you feel that you have not obtained a satisfactory response from Customer Service (Step 1), you can send a complaint to the Complaints Coordination Office.

The communication methods are the same as those listed under Step 1. If you would like to communicate by telephone, one of our Customer Service representatives will help you word your complaint.

Whether you opt to communicate by telephone or in writing, you need to give:

  • the reason for the complaint
  • the information needed to understand the complaint
  • the solution sought

Decision and applicable time limits

The Complaints Coordination Office will give you its decision and the reason behind that decision verbally. However, the decision will also be sent in writing in the following cases and time limits:

A) 48 hours for complaints concerning a prior notice of a service interruption or a service interruption for failure to pay an account;

B) 60 days for complaints concerning the application of the Conditions of Service and Tariff, e.g., transportation, supply, or natural gas storage conditions.

If the Complaints Coordination Office does not respond to your complaint within the time limit set, Énergir is deemed to have sent you a negative decision the day the time limit expired.

If you do not agree with the decision of the Complaints Coordination Office regarding the situations described in 2A or 2B, you may ask the Régie de l’énergie (regulatory agency) to examine that decision.

Simply fill out the complaint form that you will find online at

Please note that the complaint form is only available in French.

You will have to submit your complaint to the Régie within 30 days following receipt of Énergir decision (or the date it is deemed to have been sent) along with the decision from the Complaints Coordination Office (if applicable).

The Régie charges $30 to open a file.

Please note

  • Under the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie*, Énergir has a period of 60 days, or in the case of an interruption of service, 48 hours, to respond to your complaint. If it does not respond to your complaint within the time limit, Énergir is deemed to have forwarded you a negative decision on the day of expiry of that time limit. If you disagree with the decision, you may file your complaint with the Régie de l’énergie within 30 days from the date of transmission of the decision (or, if applicable, as of the date on which this decision is deemed to have been forwarded).
  • The Régie de l’énergie may accept to examine your complaint if it is submitted after the 30-day time limit:
    – due to serious and valid reasons;
    – and if the delay in filing the complaint does not result in grave injury to Énergir.
  • The Régie de l’énergie may also refuse to examine, or cease its examination of your complaint if it has good reason to believe that it is unfounded, vexatious, or in bad faith, or if it judges that its intervention would serve no useful purpose or, still, if more than one year has elapsed since you became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based unless the delay is justified by exceptional circumstances.

* This leaflet has been prepared for the convenience of our customers and is not the official version of Decision D-98-25 from the Régie de l’énergie, Appendix M, on the Procédure d’examen des plaintes adressées par les consommateurs à Société en commandite Énergir concernant l’application d’un tarif ou d’une condition de transport, de fourniture ou d’emmagasinage du gaz naturel. For an interpretation and the application of the law and its decision, you can read this decision on the Régie de l’énergie website at: Énergir will send you a copy of the decision on request.

1- Our Customer Service is listening

Your comments on our activities should first be reported to the Énergir's Customer Service. Our representatives have been trained to respond to your requests and they can resolve most of your issues.

Choose the communication method you prefer:

Clearly word your request and, when you communicate with us by telephone or in writing, please make sure you have all the information needed:

  • supporting documents
  • account number
  • dates
  • names
  • etc.

2-Complaints Coordination Office

If you feel that you have not obtained a satisfactory response from Customer Service (Step 1), you can send a complaint to the Complaints Coordination Office.

The communication methods are the same as those listed under Step 1. If you would like to communicate by telephone, one of our Customer Service representatives will help you word your complaint.

Whether you opt to communicate by telephone or in writing, you need to give:

  • the reason for the complaint
  • the information needed to understand the complaint
  • the solution sought

Decision and applicable time limits

The Complaints Coordination Office will give you its decision and the reason behind that decision verbally. However, the decision will also be sent in writing in the following cases and time limits:

A) 48 hours for complaints concerning a prior notice of a service interruption or a service interruption for failure to pay an account;

B) 60 days for complaints concerning the application of the Conditions of Service and Tariff, e.g., transportation, supply, or natural gas storage conditions.

If the Complaints Coordination Office does not respond to your complaint within the time limit set, Énergir is deemed to have sent you a negative decision the day the time limit expired.

3- Régie de l'énergie

If you do not agree with the decision of the Complaints Coordination Office regarding the situations described in 2A or 2B, you may ask the Régie de l’énergie (regulatory agency) to examine that decision.

Simply fill out the complaint form that you will find online at

Please note that the complaint form is only available in French.

You will have to submit your complaint to the Régie within 30 days following receipt of Énergir decision (or the date it is deemed to have been sent) along with the decision from the Complaints Coordination Office (if applicable).

The Régie charges $30 to open a file.

Please note

  • Under the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie*, Énergir has a period of 60 days, or in the case of an interruption of service, 48 hours, to respond to your complaint. If it does not respond to your complaint within the time limit, Énergir is deemed to have forwarded you a negative decision on the day of expiry of that time limit. If you disagree with the decision, you may file your complaint with the Régie de l’énergie within 30 days from the date of transmission of the decision (or, if applicable, as of the date on which this decision is deemed to have been forwarded).
  • The Régie de l’énergie may accept to examine your complaint if it is submitted after the 30-day time limit:
    – due to serious and valid reasons;
    – and if the delay in filing the complaint does not result in grave injury to Énergir.
  • The Régie de l’énergie may also refuse to examine, or cease its examination of your complaint if it has good reason to believe that it is unfounded, vexatious, or in bad faith, or if it judges that its intervention would serve no useful purpose or, still, if more than one year has elapsed since you became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based unless the delay is justified by exceptional circumstances.

* This leaflet has been prepared for the convenience of our customers and is not the official version of Decision D-98-25 from the Régie de l’énergie, Appendix M, on the Procédure d’examen des plaintes adressées par les consommateurs à Société en commandite Énergir concernant l’application d’un tarif ou d’une condition de transport, de fourniture ou d’emmagasinage du gaz naturel. For an interpretation and the application of the law and its decision, you can read this decision on the Régie de l’énergie website at: Énergir will send you a copy of the decision on request.

The DATECH team

Énergir has set up a team of expert consultants specially trained to provide a rapid, customized response to your needs. Their objective? To optimize your energy efficiency and performance, while reducing your consumption costs.

Learn more

Our offices

Looking for the Énergir office closest to you? Here are the coordinates of our offices.

Learn more

Fraudulent calls

Please note that we never contact our customers to ask for their credit card number. If you receive such a call, hang up and inform your local police force.

In case of an emergency
Leak or gas smell

Call 9-1-1.
If this service is not available in your region, call 1 800 361-8003.