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Concrete solutions for your business

Whatever your needs, Énergir offers solutions for improving your energy performance and reducing your carbon footprint: energy efficiency, renewable natural gas and dual energy.

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Saint-Joachim Church in Pointe-Claire successfully converted to dual energy

Find out how this church chose dual energy at the critical time of replacing its gas boiler. A solution that has both reduced the building’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and saved money on energy bills.

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We’re all part of the equation for a more sustainable future

To help fight climate change, our team is putting in place concrete solutions because we are committed to giving Quebec a better energy future.

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Three offers, three ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Whether your energy transition is just starting or already underway, Énergir offers three solutions for reducing your GHG emissions: energy efficiency, dual energy and renewable natural gas.

These solutions can be implemented separately or combined to help you reach your goals based on your energy needs and operational constraints.

Icone for Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency measures help you reduce your energy consumption and optimize your energy use. Énergir offers a number of grants to help you implement these measures in your business.

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Icone for Renewable natural gas

Renewable natural gas

Renewable natural gas is a 100% renewable source of energy produced from organic matter. It can replace conventional natural gas without a change in equipment. It’s available now—and it can quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Icone for Dual energir

Dual energy

Dual energy uses electricity as the main energy source and natural gas as a backup source when electricity demand is very high or in very cold weather. It gets you the right energy at the right time and at the best cost!

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Case studies


We’ve been helping our customers reduce their GHG emissions since 2001. In those 20 years, we’ve been collaborators on more than 141,000 energy-efficiency projects, enabling many companies to benefit from our programs and subsidies to reduce their energy consumption. A positive impact both in terms of reducing GHG emissions and operating costs.

In addition, a number of organizations have chosen dual energy to reduce their natural gas consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. See case studies illustrating the benefits of our decarbonization solutions.


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Illustrative image for the case studies
Up to $50 ,000 in grant for a feasibility study \ $1 million for implantation \ $25 000 per appliance

Energy efficiency

Save with our energy-efficiency programs

Whatever your needs and goals, Énergir has energy-efficiency grants to help you reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Whether for replacing equipment, renovating, or implementing energy-efficiency measures and practices, we have grants to help you get it done.

See grants

Check before you dig!

Need to dig or have excavation work done? Contact Info-Excavation to locate underground structures.

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A safe and reliable network

Énergir's distribution network is among the most modern in North America and is maintained by a team of experts who monitor the system 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Moreover, the design and construction of Énergir's network meet the most stringent standards of the Canadian gas industry.

Tips for reducing your energy consumption

No surprise, the best way for a business to reduce its energy consumption is to use advanced energy-efficient equipment. If, however, you aren’t planning to renovate or change heating sources, here are some things you can do to save energy.

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Connecting to our network is simple and cost-effective

Connecting to our gas network is quick and easy.

Choose one of the two scenarios below to take advantage of a reliable, safe and affordable energy source.

1- See the steps for connect your building to our network
2- Set up your account and report your move hassle-free.

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  1. Economic competitiveness depends on a number of factors, including the type of building, the equipment used and the current rate.

* In order to qualify for this grant, you must contractually commit with Énergir or an Énergir Partner prior to your appliances’ installation. The total grant amount must not exceed admissible amounts. The grants are not available for houses with a heat-pump or with a dual energy heating system, and the house can not be part of a new housing construction. Some restrictions apply. The conditions of the program and the amount of the grants are subject to change without notice.

The cost to switch to natural gas includes a basic connection charge of $300. An additional cost may apply if an extension to the natural.