Énergir unveils its 2017 Sustainability Report

June 4, 2018 - Press releases
Montréal, June 4th 2018 – Énergir, L.P. (“Énergir”) presents today its 2017 Sustainability Report, prepared for the third time according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines.
“To prepare for this report, we held consultations with nearly 200 internal and external stakeholders. Together, we discussed our strategic orientations, supply chain initiatives, environmental practices as well as our community and philanthropic action. These highly constructive exchanges are the reflection of a healthy and modern relationship between a company and its community.” – Sophie Brochu, President and Chief Executive Officer.
This report which covers fiscal 2017, presents highlights such as:
- Responsible gas procurement process launched in 2017 that aims to deal directly with producers so that our natural gas supplies are easier to track, and buy from producers that have adopted best practices to reduce the impact of their operations.
- The injection of renewable natural gas into our gas network.
- The realization of 4,665 energy efficiency projects that has brought about savings of up to 39.1 Mm3 of natural gas.
- The reduction de 36.1% of Énergir’s GHG emissions compared to 1990.
- The reduction of over 500,000 metric tonnes in CO2 equivalent through the purchase of offset credits for eight projects in Quebec since 2015.
- Biodiversity: 23 species inventoried and taken into consideration during construction projects in 2017.
- Increase in work accident rate, with 25 incidents with loss of time compared with 16 the previous year.
- Achievement of a 95.1% customer satisfaction rate.
- The reduction in the number of complaints related to Énergir’s work.
- The completion of 99.7% of the activities planned within our preventative maintenance program.
These realizations are aligned with Énergir’s ambition to play an active and pivotal role in the energy transition. This role is achieved through a shift in our business model, which relies on three main pillars, namely those of energy efficiency, increasing the share of our renewable energies and reducing the use of petroleum products, when desirable.
The 2017 Sustainability Report and Summary Sheet are available online and can be viewed on our website: energir.com/report.
While our Sustainability report is published every two years, Énergir measures its sustainability performance on an annual basis by updating and making our performance indicators available on our sustainability tracking platform at energir.metro.net
About Énergir
With more than $7 billion in assets, Énergir is a diversified energy company, whose mission is to find increasingly sustainable ways to meet the energy needs of its 520,000 customers and the communities it serves. The leading natural gas distributor in Québec, Énergir also produces electricity from wind power through its subsidiaries. Through its subsidiaries in the United States, the company operates in 15 states where it produces electricity from hydraulic, wind and solar sources, while serving as the leading electricity distributor and the sole natural gas distributor in Vermont. Énergir values energy efficiency and invests both resources and efforts in innovative energy projects such as renewable natural gas and liquefied and compressed natural gas. Through its subsidiaries, it also provides a variety of energy services. Énergir aspires to become the partner of choice for those striving for a better energy future.
Maude Hébert-Chaput
Communications and Public Affairs
514 598-3449