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Price of natural gas

Energy is a big part of your operating costs, and it is important to keep it under control. Reducing your energy bill means more money for your business. The price of natural gas is cheaper than oil. These savings could mean a chance to reinvest in your business to increase your productivity.1

Comparison of annual consumption costs

Chart comparing annual energy costs1 equivalent to 5,143 m3 (100% heating) .

Reduce your energy costs

Natural gas has been less expensive than fuel-oil. Lower your energy bill by installing natural gas equipment. Not only natural gas costs less, it is also more powerful than fuel oil.

Énergir's Network Gas Prices

Énergir's Network Gas Prices

Énergir's natural gas supply rate and the compression gas price for the current month and the previous mont

Price effective
Feb 1, 2025
Mar 1, 2025
Natural gas supply
Cap-and-trade emission allowances system
Price history of natural gas

North America's vast reserves of natural gas—many of which have only been discovered recently—will provide stable pricing for years to come. This allows you to estimate your energy costs more effectively.

Gaz price novembrer 2024


Reference price

Reference price

Market price
1-year contract

Market price

November 20242,619,8893,442,70
October 20242,579,7382,693,65
September 20242,499,435


August 20242,509,4733,252,04
July 20242,8110,6473,482,64
June 20242,629,9273,332,15
May 20242,46




April 2024





March 2024





February 2024





January 20242,378,9803,022,91
December 20233,1912,0873,553,42
November 20233,1411,898


October 20233,5513,4513,742,81
September 20233,7014,019



Historical 5-years (Excel)

Natural gas supply price

Many people are not aware that Énergir does not make any profit on the price of the natural gas it supplies. The only service on which Énergir is authorized to make a profit is distribution. The price of the natural gas supplied is subject to monthly fluctuations. They account for about 30% of the gas bill of a business customer that consumes between 15,000 m3 and 50,000 m3, the consumption of an average-sized business.

To manage all aspects of gas supply more effectively, Énergir has also adopted a portfolio approach to gas purchases, actually buying from many different suppliers in order to diversify its sources geographically. Just one of the ways Énergir makes sure its customers enjoy the best price possible.

Understand my bill

Price effective
Feb 1, 2025
Mar 1, 2025
Natural gas supply
Cap-and-trade emission allowances system
Renewable natural gaz supply price

The purchase price of renewable natural gas (RNG) distributed by Énergir varies by supplier and is governed by contract. The annual price for RNG sold to our customers is based on the average of these contract amounts. The price is set annually as part of the Rate Case.

Unlike traditional natural gas, no Cap and Trade System (CATS) fees are added to your RNG consumption at this time.


December 1, 2023

October 1, 2024

Renewable natural gas supply







Fixed price

If you have opted for the fixed-price option for your natural gas supply service, you can still choose to consume RNG. Contact us for more information.

Contact us


Our rate structure corresponds to a range of consumption profiles. The Régie de l'énergie approves, on an annual basis, the distribution revenues of Énergir and our rate breakdown. The Régie also approves the various rate structures and changes where applicable.

Explanation of the rates

To understand the price of natural gas, you need to understand its five components: natural gas supply, transportation, load balancing, distribution and cap-and-trade emission allowances system.


The supply is the natural gas itself, the fuel. The price fluctuates according to market supply and demand. The supply price is modified monthly. We bill you the same as what we pay the producers.

Learn more on gas supply (PDF)


This is the service that sends the natural gas through pipelines from the production sites to Quebec , the territory served by Énergir. The transportation prices are modified when Énergir transportation suppliers modify their own prices. We bill this service at the same price as what we pay the transportation companies.

Learn more on transportation (PDF)

Load balancing

Load balancing means managing the variations between summer and winter consumption and natural gas storage management. This component's price is modified annually, at the beginning of October. Énergir bills this component at the same price that the load balancing tools are bought from suppliers.

Learn more on load-balancing (PDF)


This is the natural gas delivery service through our distribution network. You are assigned a rate based on your comsuption. The distribution price is modified annually. Énergir's earnings come exclusively from this component of your bill.

Learn more on distribution (PDF)

Cap-and-trade emission allowances services

The emission allowance cost for the natural gas combustion, which varies each month. Cap-and-Trade System is an economic tool of the Québec government aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Fuels consumed in Québec are covered by the Cap-and-Trade System through energy distributors like Énergir. The sums collected will be invested by the government in, among other things, measures aimed at combating climate change.

Two components, supply and cap and-trade emission allowances system, are not regulated and follow market supply and demand. Their prices are modified monthly (or quarterly in the case of cap-and-trade emission allowances system from january 1, 2024). The distribution, load balancing, transportation and gas from renewable sources supply services are reviewed each year by Énergir. Any change in the tariffs has to be approved by the Régie de l’énergie.

Socialization Fee

Énergir introduced the Socialization Fee, a charge to spread the costs associated with unsold renewable natural gas (RNG) volumes among the voluntary customers.

Énergir has a regulatory obligation to deliver a certain amount of RNG in its system (2% in 2023, 5% in 2025 and 10% in 2030). So if customers don’t voluntarily purchase enough RNG, Énergir has to make up the shortfall, socializing the volume from customers not purchasing the minimum amount required by the regulation (2% for 2023).

What is the socialization fee?

The socialization fee is 0.133¢/m³ for the 2024–2025 rate case.

However, this fee will be minimal and should represent less than 0.5% of your bill.

Customers subject to it will not be exempt from the SPEDE socialization fee, unlike voluntary RNG purchasers.

Customers exempt from the RNG socialization fee

Customers whose RNG purchases are equal to or greater than the regulatory target (2% RNG in 2023) on each billing cycle of the 2025 fiscal year are not subject to the RNG socialization fee.

Conditions of Service and Tariff

The Régie de l’énergie has approved Énergir’s Conditions of Service and Tariff. These terms apply to all of our customers and set out the conditions related to: natural gas services provided, billing and payment options, various applicable tariffs and rights and responsibilities.

Conditions of Service and Tariff effective as of December 1, 2023 (PDF)

Earlier versions

Effective as of December 1, 2022 (PDF)
Effective as of December 1, 2021 (PDF)
Effective as of December 1, 2020 (PDF)
Effective as of December 1, 2019 (PDF)

    General distribution rate

    The distribution rate is the natural gas delivery service through our distribution network. You are assigned a rate based on your consumption. The general distribution rate (D1) is described below.

    Applicability of the rate

    • Offered to all
    • No restrictions on level of consumption (no limit, no obligation to consume)
    • Applicable to customers who do not have a sufficient volume to be eligible for other tariffs
    • Advantageous for customers with an irregular or unpredictable consumption profile


    The cost of the general distribution service is the sum of the two factors described below.

    Basic fees

    • Constitute the fixed portion of the bill
    • Vary according to annual volume withdrawn
    • Billed per metering equipment according to the number of days in the billing period

    Unit price by volume withdrawn

    • Variable portion of the bill
    • Billed according to volume withdrawn during the billing period
    • The higher the volume, the lower the unit price.

    Volumes in excess of 100% of the subscribed volume

    When the volume withdrawn during the billing period exceeds 100% of the subscribed volume, the excess volume is billed in accordance with the general distribution service D1.

    Unauthorized withdrawals

    A stiff penalty applies when the volume withdrawn during the billing period exceeds 150% of the subscribed volume.

    Learn more about the general distribution rate (PDF)

    Stable volume service

    Applicability of the rate

    • A commitment to a subscribed volume of at least 333 m 3 per day
    • Applicable to customers whose annual consumption volume is at least 75,000m 3 and whose utilization coefficient (annual volume divided by daily peak volume x 365 days) is at least 60%
    • Advantageous for customers with a relatively stable monthly consumption profile

    Cost of stable distribution service D 3

    The cost of the stable distribution service D 3 is the sum of the elements described below.

    Minimum daily obligation (MDO)

    • Constitutes the fixed portion of the bill
    • Established based on subscribed volume (SV)
    • Billed based on the number of days in the billing period
    • The cost goes down when the subscribed volume increases and the average unit price becomes advantageous when consumption is stable.

    Unit price by volume withdrawn

    • Variable portion of the bill
    • Billed according to volume withdrawn during the billing period
    • A reduction in the MDO, as well as the unit price on the volume withdrawn, is granted when the customer signs a contract with a term of at least 12 months.

    Volumes in excess of 100% of the subscribed volume

    When the volume withdrawn during the billing period exceeds 100% of the subscribed volume, the excess volume is billed in accordance with the general distribution service D 1 .

    Unauthorized withdrawals

    A stiff penalty applies when the volume withdrawn during the billing period exceeds 150% of the subscribed volume.

    Revisions to subscribed volume

    Depending on certain conditions, annual revisions may be made to the subscribed volume.

    Combination rate

    Combining Stable Rate D 3 with an interruptible tariff may be possible, depending on the annual volume withdrawn.

    Learn more about the stable volume service (PDF)

    Examples of calculations

    To help you better understand the different components of pricing, see the PDF document below.

    Deposits and payment guarantees

    You have some questions about Énergir's credit policy and guidelines for commercial customers? This is the answers to the key questions you may have regarding Énergir's credit requirements and accepted types of guarantees.

    Clientele addressed

    If you find yourself in one of the following situations:

    • you sign a contract to receive natural gas service
    • you move to an address already supplied by natural gas

    Énergir's criteria for decisions regarding credit evaluation

    The first criterion Énergir uses in its credit evaluation process is the number of years you have been in business under the same legal entity. Here is a table summarizing Énergir's evaluation process.

    Number of years in business under the same legal entity: Three years or less

    • Énergir's evaluation: Énergir has based its risk evaluation on a study by the Ministry of Industry and Trade*
    • Decision: Energir will require a deposit

    More than three years under the same legal entity

    • Énergir's evaluation: Énergir requires authorization to conduct a banking verification for credit evaluation purposes. In certain cases, financial statements may also be required. Énergir evaluates credit according to generally accepted practices concerning credit: the quality of banking references and financial statements, the payment history with Énergir at your other addresses supplied by natural gas (if applicable), the activity sector and degree of risk.
    • Decision: Énergir may or may not require a deposit following this evaluation.

    * Survival rate of businesses in Quebec and transition rate , Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Direction de l'analyse économique, March 2001

    Accepted types of deposits

    The deposit required by Énergir may take the following forms: a cash payment, a letter of guarantee issued by a financial institution and irrevocable for a three-year period or a surety subject to Énergir's approval.

    Amount of deposit

    The amount of the deposit required is determined based on an estimate, or the history of the volumes withdrawn at the service address. It shall not exceed the sum of the amounts of the highest two consecutive, historical or estimated, bills during a 12-month period.

    Payment of deposit

    The deposit must be paid before natural gas service begins. In the event that the natural gas service is already available to the customer at the service address, the payment is required at the due date indicated on the bill in order to ensure continuity of service.

    What happens to a financial deposit?

    Énergir holds your deposit in a trust account. Simple annual interest on the amount of your deposit will be credited to your invoice before January 30 of each year. The interest rate is adjusted annually on January 1st.

    Do you have questions?

    We invite you to get in touch with our Account management department, who will answer any questions you may have concerning Énergir's credit policy and guidelines for commercial customers.

    Account Receivables Department
    1717, du Havre Montreal (Quebec) H2K 2X3
    Phone: 514 719-8222, outside Montreal 1 888 598-3117
    Fax: 514 719-8137
    [email protected]

    The information presented here conforms to the  Conditions of service and Tariff .

    Supply contract with other natural gas suppliers

    Two options are available for the supply service: a fixed-price supply agreement and a direct-purchase supply contract.

    Fixed-price supply agreement 

    By default, the supply service is provided by Énergir, who buys and supplies natural gas to its customers.

    The price offered by Énergir reflects the actual supply acquisition cost, so Énergir does not make a profit from this service.

    Énergir’s price is calculated monthly and approved by the Régie de l’énergie. It varies from month to month.

    Customers wishing to stabilize their supply cost can ask Énergir to arrange for an independent supplier to supply them at a fixed price.

    Why choose a fixed-price supply?

    The fixed-price service model is similar to a fixed-rate mortgage, in the sense that you have a predictable monthly payment for your natural gas supply.

    The main aim of the fixed-price supply service is budget stability, not savings. 


    How does the fixed-price supply service work?

    • You agree on a price, period and terms with the participating supplier of your choice and sign an agreement with Énergir regarding, among other things, the price agreed upon with the supplier. To confirm your request, you need to sign and return the confirmation letter that Énergir sends you within the prescribed time.
    • On the agreement start date, Énergir purchases natural gas for you from the participating supplier at the agreed price and terms.
    • Énergir bills you the natural gas at the price agreed upon with the supplier for the term of the agreement, without any surcharges.

    What are the terms for enrolment?

    • For you to be eligible for the fixed-price supply service, your annual consumption must be between 7,500 m³ and 1,168,000 m³.
    • Existing customers must have used Énergir’s supply service for a minimum of 12 months. New customers can also opt for the fixed price.
    • The confirmation letter must be sent at least 60 days in advance.
    • Customers can combine a fixed-price supply agreement with renewable natural gas (RNG) purchase percentages.
    • To confirm your enrollment to the fixed price natural gas service, you must sign and return the Confirmation sheet.To help you make an informed decision, take note that this confirmation sheet presents the history of the regulated monthly variable price.

    Fixed-price natural gas suppliers

    You may choose the participating supplier of your choice, but we encourage you to be well informed and compare the proposed gas prices with Énergir’s before making a commitment. Consult the list of participating suppliers and our tips for making an informed choice.

    Natural gas suppliers

    Direct-purchase supply contract

    Énergir provides supply, transport, load-balancing and distribution services, but only the distribution service is offered exclusively by Énergir. As such, you can choose to buy natural gas directly from other suppliers.

    You should also know that certain eligibility criteria may allow you to opt out of Énergir’s transport and load-balancing services.

    Read the information below to make an informed choice before you decide.

    What is direct purchase?

    You purchase your natural gas supply directly from the supplier of your choice, according to the agreement you have with them. You must have gas delivered consistently throughout the year based on your average annual consumption.

    How does direct purchase work?

    Direct purchase can be done with or without transfer of ownership. Here is the difference between the two options:

    • Direct purchase without transfer of ownership

    You deliver your natural gas to Énergir, who then transports it to your facilities.

    Since you are the owner of the natural gas, Énergir does not bill you for the supply service.

    At the end of the contract period, if there is a delivery surplus, the natural gas will be purchased by Énergir and, if there is a delivery shortage, it will be sold to you.

    • Direct purchase with transfer of ownership

    You sell and deliver the amount of natural gas purchased from the supplier to Énergir at the current supply price. Énergir then transports it to your facilities.

    Énergir resells the natural gas to you, billing you the supply service price for your consumption.

    What are the conditions of use?

    To use direct purchase, you must meet certain criteria as defined in our Conditions of Service and Tariff:

    • You must inform us at least 60 days in advance.
    • Existing customers must have used Énergir’s supply service for a minimum of 12 months. New customers can also opt for direct purchase.

    Other natural gas suppliers and stakeholders

    You may choose the participating supplier or stakeholder of your choice, but we encourage you to be well informed and compare the proposed prices with Énergir’s before making a commitment. Consult the list of participating suppliers and our tips for making an informed choice.

    Natural gas suppliers

    Grants available for your business

    Take advantage of Energir grants to add or replace natural gas equipment and reduce your energy costs. In addition to offering a better performance, natural gas is cheaper than electricity and fuel-oil.

    See grants

    1 According to the prices in effect from July 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022. Based on Énergir rates and those of Hydro-Québec approved by the Régie de l’énergie; takes into account base electric consumption and rack price of oil with 2% sulfur including, in particular, transport, distribution and CATS