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Our subsidiaries

Énergir directly or indirectly owns a number of subsidiaries that allow it to pursue a diverse range of activities, from power generation to installation services, in Québec, Canada and the United States.

Gaz Métro LNG

Gaz Métro LNG is a subsidiary of Énergir that was created to respond to the current and anticipated growth in demand in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market. The role of Gaz Métro LNG is to structure the supply of LNG and to ensure the liquefaction capacity of the Énergir LSR plant in east Montréal, and of the plant to be built by Gaz Métro LNG for markets using natural gas as fuel instead of petroleum. Through LNG, it will also meet the natural gas demand of industries in regions that are distant from the gas network, depending on their needs and distance from the network, as well as offer LNG supply solutions by truck or ship.

Gaz Métro Transport Solutions

A recognized leader in natural gas for vehicles in Eastern Canada and the Northeastern US, Gaz Métro Transport Solutions (GMTS) offers integrated liquefied natural gas (LNG) refueling services to the industrial, as well as the road, rail and maritime transportation sectors. The company designs and builds turn-key compressed and liquefied natural gas refueling stations. It also rents stations, according to the personalized needs of its customers.

A subsidiary of Énergir, GMTS services private and public liquefied natural gas (LNG) stations, as well as offering a rental service for cryogenic tanks and a logistical LNG delivery service for its customers.

Gaz Métro Energy Solutions

Gaz Métro Energy Solutions is an Énergir subsidiary created in the third quarter of 2015 to ensure, among other things, LNG storage, treatment and regasification to meet the peak energy needs of the TransCanada Energy power plant in Bécancour and similar projects.

Vermont Gas Systems

Vermont Gas Systems (VGS) , a subsidiary of Énergir, owns and operates a natural gas transportation and distribution network of over 1,300 km in Vermont, United States. VGS is the sole gas distributor in Vermont, serving close to 50,000 mainly residential and commercial customers. VGS procures its natural gas from Western Canada and Dawn, in Ontario. The natural gas is transported and delivered via the TCPL network to its main pipeline, located on the Canada-Vermont border.

Green Mountain Power

Green Mountain Power (GMP) , a subsidiary of Énergir, is the largest electricity distributor in Vermont, serving over 70% of the market and more than 260,000 customers. GMP's core business includes the distribution, transportation, generation, purchase and sale of electricity in Vermont and, to a minor degree, electricity transportation in New Hampshire and electricity generation in the states of New York, Maine and Connecticut. The GMP network comprises over 1,500 km of overhead transmission lines, 18,000 km of overhead distribution lines and 1,600 km of underground distribution lines, located mainly in Vermont but also extending to New Hampshire and New York.

Standard Solar

Standard Solar, a subsidiary of Énergir, is a leading solar energy firm specializing in the development, installation and financing of commercial solar electric systems in many states across the United States.

Based in Rockville, Maryland, Standard Solar is committed to making distributed generation (DG) solar projects accessible to commercial and institutional markets across multiple states, including California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York , North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington DC Standard Solar currently has a portfolio of construction-ready projects for a total of nearly 80 MW, a significant development pipeline, and over 100 MW of solar generation capacity under management services .

Trans Québec & Maritimes Pipeline

Énergir holds a 50% interest in TQM, which operates a gas pipeline in Québec that connects upstream with that of TCPL and downstream with that of PNGTS and the Énergir network. Its activities are regulated by the NEB.

Champion Pipeline

Champion, a wholly owned subsidiary of Énergir, operates two pipelines that cross the Ontario border and supply Énergir's distribution system in northwestern Québec. Champion's activities are regulated by the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) with respect to revenue determination, tolls, construction and the operation of its network.


Intragaz is a subsidiary of Énergir, whose main activity is underground natural gas storage. This activity fits within Énergir's overall mission, as natural gas storage is an integral part of its supply chain. 

Intragaz operates the only two underground natural gas storage facilities in Québec in Énergir's service area, and Énergir is also Intragaz's only customer. Its rates are approved by the Régie and established on a cost-of-service basis.

Énergir urban heating and cooling

Énergir urban heating and cooling, a subsidiary of Énergir, owns and operates three distinct steam, hot water and cold water networks used to heat and cool commercial buildings. Its 3-kilometre network serves 1.8 million square meters of varied facilities and meets the energy needs of one third of the commercial space in downtown Montreal.

Seigneurie de Beaupré Wind Farms

Wind Farms 2 and 3 is an equal-share joint venture of Boralex and Beaupré Éole, which is, in turn, 51% indirectly-owned by Énergir and 49% by Valener . The core business of this joint venture consists in owning and operating two wind farms with an installed capacity of 272 megawatts on the private lands of Seigneurie de Beaupré . These wind farms were put into commercial service in the first quarter of fiscal 2014, and all of the electricity they generate is sold to Hydro-Québec, under 20-year contracts.

Wind Farm 4 is an equal-share joint venture of Boralex and Beaupré Éole 4, itself also 51% indirectly-owned by Énergir and 49% by Valener . This joint venture's core business consists in owning and operating a wind farm with an installed capacity of 68 megawatts on the private lands of Seigneurie de Beaupré. It was put into commercial service on December 1, 2014, and all of the electricity it generates is sold to Hydro-Québec under a 20-year contract.

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Énergir is committed to a more energy-efficient future

To help fight against climate change, our team is implementing concrete solutions because it is committed to offering out customers and communities a more energy-efficient future.

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