Énergir's participation in the Building Energy Challenge
The Building Energy Challenge is a friendly competition that takes place over four years and aims to reduce the energy consumption and GHG emissions of commercial, institutional and multi-residential buildings in Québec.

To help achieve these objectives and reduce GHG emissions from our buildings, Énergir has listed five of its business offices in the Energy Challenge. Two of the registered buildings were among the finalists in fall 2020, the Rouyn-Noranda and Mauricie buildings:
- The building in Rouyn was built in 2012 according to LEED certification, the best energy standards. Energir rigorously maintains it to keep the energy-efficient investments in place.
- The Saint-Maurice building was built in the early 1980s, but since then Énergir has carried out several refurbishments. The boiler was replaced in 2017 and the common areas were redone to include EnergyStar appliances. Work on the facade is also planned over the next few years to reduce energy losses.
BOMA Best certification - Silver level
We are proud to have received BOMA Best Silver level certification for our Montreal head office in the fall of 2020. BOMA Best is a national program launched in 2005 by BOMA Canada to define realistic and innovative standards and practices, in addition to assessing the energy performance and environmental management of commercial buildings. The duration of the certification is three years and requires Énergir to define clear, measured objectives to improve the practices put in place at head office.
LEED certifications for two of our offices
LEED, which stands for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,” is an international benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings. It promotes an overall approach to sustainability. In 2010, Énergir's head office, located in Montreal, received LEED CI, Silver certification awarded by the Canada Green Building Council. At that point, only five other buildings in Quebec held that same certification. In 2014, Énergir received LEED Canada-NC 2009 certification for the construction of its business office in Rouyn-Noranda.
Many other concrete initiatives
Énergir continuously puts forward procedures and takes steps to better manage its buildings and operations with a view to reducing its energy consumption and improving its environmental report card. A number of these initiatives are outlined in its Sustainable Development Report.