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Make the most of your energy consumption; make the most of your savings

With our energy efficiency programs, you can get generous grants1 to improve your building performance, reduce your operating costs and limit your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Energy efficiency: a winning strategy

Investing in energy efficiency means rethinking how you manage your multi-residential buildings to reduce their energy consumption and maximize their day-to-day operations. When you modernize the structural envelope of your buildings and/or heating equipment, you save – potentially a lot – on your operating costs and actively reduce your environmental footprint.


1 - Reduce energy bills tied to day-to-day operations

2 - Upgrade your buildings with more efficient infrastructure or equipment

3 - Align with government decarbonization targets

Grants for your projects

One of Énergir’s missions is to help its customers reduce their energy consumption. With that in mind, we offer grant programs1 to help you purchase high-efficiency equipment and adopt specific energy efficiency measures. These grants reduce your initial investment in your projects while sustainably increasing your savings. 

Explore the programs available for multi-residential buildings and accelerate your energy transition today:

Efficient equipment

Grants to purchase efficient equipment to reduce your energy consumption, and therefore your energy bill.

Diagnostics and implementation

Comprehensive programs ranging from conducting feasibility studies to implementing targeted energy efficiency measures to optimize the use of natural gas and reduce your energy consumption.

Construction and renovation

Financial support for energy-efficient building renovation and construction to reduce operating costs while increasing property values.

Renewable energy

Grants to implement air or water preheating technology to achieve significant savings on your natural gas consumption.


A program to identify and develop energy innovations, with promising market potential and energy savings, for more efficient use of natural gas.

LIH support

Financial assistance for owners of one or more units occupied by low-income households: This financial assistance is divided between the homeowner and the tenants eligible for the program.

Case study

When Canadian Apartment Properties REIT decided to reduce the carbon footprint of its 67,000-plus unit housing stock, it went to great lengths to meet its targets. In just a few short years, CAPREIT has reduced GHG emissions by 52% in buildings where it has rolled out energy efficiency and decarbonization measures.

Learn more 

How to get support?  

Your energy solutions representative is there to guide you through your project, using a number of key resources from initial planning to implementation of energy efficiency measures.

Our team of experts, to advice you on energy efficiency

The DATECH team of seasoned engineers is dedicated to optimizing the energy efficiency and energy performance of your buildings while reducing your operating costs. It provides tailored services and advice to guide you towards the best decarbonization strategies.

Learn more

Contact us 

Registered firms, to help you making your projects happen

Registered firms help Énergir customers carry out their energy efficiency projects.

List of firms

1 Conditions apply, consult each of the energy efficiency programs to know the conditions and eligibility criteria.