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What is a registered firm ?

Registered firms are firms with one or more engineers specializing in energy efficiency that can support Énergir customers in identifying and implementing energy efficiency projects. Having already carried out energy efficiency projects for Énergir customers, and with access to information about the energy efficiency grants offered, these firms are well placed to guide customers and facilitate their participation in Énergir’s energy efficiency grant programs.

Énergir has made a directory of registered firms available to its customers. This directory is meant to be a tool to help customers identify and find contact details of firms that offer energy efficiency services. None of these firms is a subsidiary or partner of Énergir, and making this directory available in no way certifies, attests to, or guarantees the quality of the services offered by these firms.

Consult the list of registered firms

To register your firm, send an e-mail to: [email protected]

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