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Energy efficiency program - Energy audit and implementation


The program aims to encourage the process of recommissioning existing mechanical systems in buildings in order to reduce annual energy consumption. By realizing the process, you will reduce your annual energy consumption by 10% to 15%. You will be saving while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Why recommissioning?

Recommissioning involves reviewing the overall performance of gas-fired building services, which are considered a set of integrated systems. The most efficient equipment requires a mechanical system that works and is adapted to operational needs. Recommissioning could reduce your annual energy consumption by 10% to 15%, resulting in cost savings while reducing your greenhouse gas emissions. 

Among the many benefits of this low-cost approach is a significant reduction in energy consumption, resulting in lower energy costs. Recommissioning also makes it possible to realign operational needs, avoiding energy waste. By updating your system and adjusting your operational needs, you also reduce operations and maintenance costs. 

Complexe sportif soccer Chauveau Québec
Chauveau Soccer Complex - Quebec

Grant – Recommissioning

You could receive up to $100,000*

Énergir’s financial assistance under the Recommissioning component consists of four phases: investigation, implementation, transfer and continuous monitoring.

  • Investigation phase: Énergir covers 75% of eligible costs*.
  • Implementation phase: Énergir provides financial assistance of $1 per m3 of natural gas saved, up to 75% of eligible costs* for measures with a return-on-investment (ROI) period greater than one year.
  • Transfer phase: Énergir covers 75% of eligible costs*.
  • Continuous monitoring phase: Énergir covers 75% of eligible costs*.

Total financial assistance for all phases is up to $100,000 per project.

Who are these grants for?
  1. Applicants must be Énergir customers.
  2. This financial assistance is intended for buildings or building groups that consume at least 75,000 m3 of natural gas per year. Upon explicit approval from Énergir, certain buildings with annual natural gas consumption of less than 75,000 m3 may be eligible.
  3. The building in question must not have received a financial assistance payment within the last five (5) years as part of an application to the Recommissioning or New Construction component.
How to get the grant?
  1. Refer to the Participant’s Guide in force for complete and detailed information on the program and its conditions, as well as Innovation project eligibility criteria.
  2. After reviewing the program requirements and information, the applicant and their certified agent must submit an application for funding to Énergir by completing the Application for admission” form (Tab 1 of the “Recommissioning of Building Mechanical Systems” form). This form must be accompanied by the Simplified Plan(Form II) or a planning report containing the information requested in the latter.
  3. Énergir will then review the financial assistance application against the eligibility criteria and confirm in writing its decision to grant (or deny) financial assistance, the amount granted, the time frame for completion and the conditions.
  4. Then follow the subsequent steps outlined in the Participant’s Guide to implement all phases of the recommissioning project.
Previous documentation

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Case Study

CIBC Tower - Groupe Petra

When a giant of the sixties needs a facelift, the constraints and costs can add up quickly. But thanks to Énergir’s Recommissioning of Mechanical Systems program, the CIBC Tower got a new lease on life and obtained LEED certification.

Read the full case study

Renewal natural gas: your decarbonization ally

Thought about powering your efficient equipment with renewable natural gas?

You can replace part or all of your natural gas consumption with renewable natural gas (RNG).

This 100% renewably sourced energy reduces your GHG emissions from fossil fuels quickly, without your needing to change equipment.

Learn more 


*Refer to the Participant’s Guide for full grant eligibility criteria and eligible costs. This grant is provided through the Recommissioning of Building Mechanical Systems component of the Energy Audit and Implementation program. The program may be changed without notice.