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Energy efficiency pays off!

Start saving energy with us. Learn about the tangible benefits of energy efficiency projects and check out the grants available for your business.

Listen to our clients tell you about their projects

Energy efficiency at Espace Montmorency is sustainable

Espace Montmorency received the New Efficient Construction grant to build energy-efficient buildings, install more efficient appliances and install an energy loop between buildings. These measures reduce natural gas consumption by more than 1,700,000 m3.

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Energy efficiency at Accueil Bonneau is a good thing.

Énergir funded the work of Accueil Bonneau through its Feasibility study, Solar Preheating Energy Efficiency and Low Income Household programs. Thanks to the solar panels, Accueil Bonneau saves 2,500 m3 of natural gas per year.

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Energy Efficiency at Station agro-biotech pays off.

Station agro-biotech used 147,000 m3 less natural gas by recovering heat and installing more efficient appliances and received grants through the Energy Efficiency Measures program.

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Energy efficiency at Pondeuses JL is obvious.

By installing air exchangers through the Energy Efficiency Measures program, Pondeuses JL saves 953 495 m3 of natural gas per year, resulting in 1799 tons of greenhouses gas emissions avoided. These devices limit drafts in the building and improve the well-being of the birds. 

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Want to save energy?

Your energy solutions representative will suggest the best solutions for your business. In partnership with an expert from the Development and Technological Assistance (DATECH) team, they will help you optimize your company’s energy use and energy efficiency while reducing costs.

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Grants for all types of projects!

More than 15 grants* are available to replace your equipment, renovate or implement energy efficiency measures.

Combine energy efficiency with our other solutions

Depending on your situation, you could also combine your energy efficiency measures with other solutions :

Dual energy

Choose dual energy to heat your building

Fossil-based natural gas

Or replace your fossil-based natural gas purchase with renewable natural gas 

Meet our experts!

Our team will help you find solutions tailored to your situation. Complete the form and your representative will be in touch soon.

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*Conditions apply for grants. See each program page for more information.