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Choose renewable natural gas 

By adding renewable natural gas (RNG) to your purchasing profile, you’re taking part in Quebec’s energy transition.

See purchasing steps      Understanding your purchase

The advantages of renewable natural gas

For you

Same equipment
No modification to your equipment is needed to purchase RNG.

Flexible purchasing
From 1% to 100%, you choose the percentage of RNG you wish to purchase. You can easily modify it from your Customer Space.

Easy registration
You can make a purchase request directly in the Customer Space in just a few clicks.

Ready to make a 5-year commitment?  Contact us for more information on available amounts and applicable conditions.

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For all

Recovers waste
RNG takes the energy contained in organic waste and turns it into renewable energy.

Reduces GHGs
Used as an alternative to traditional natural gas, RNG reduces GHG emissions from fossil fuels.

Stimulates the economy
Increased demand for RNG supports the development of production projects and promotes economic spin-offs, including here in Québec.

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Where does RNG come from? 

Learn more about where renewable natural gas comes from and some local producers.

Discover RNG

Understand your RNG purchase

By purchasing renewable natural gas, you’re taking part in the broad collective movement to improve Quebec’s carbon footprint by replacing fossil energy with renewable energy. Find out what the RNG purchasing and distribution process looks like.

Video transcription

When you buy RNG, you're doing your bit for the planet by helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Your purchase directly replaces a fossil fuel with a renewable energy source.

In North America, RNG circulates in the same network as traditional natural gas. The molecules of renewable and conventional natural gas travel together and are completely interchangeable. So it's impossible to differentiate what's actually going to the appliances.

Energir certifies that your purchase is included in the overall volumes purchased from RNG producers. All this renewable natural gas actually replaces the same amount of fossil energy. This process is even verified by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec.

Your RNG purchase is real, and clearly itemized on your bill. You contribute directly to the collective movement to migrate from fossil fuels to more renewable energy.

Together, we can make a difference in the face of the decarbonization challenge.

Investing in a more sustainable future

At Énergir, we want to accelerate the development of locally produced renewable natural gas. Here are just a few of the anticipated benefits over the next few years in Québec alone:

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Add RNG to your profile 

Determine the RNG purchase percentage to add to your profile, from 1% to 100%. Discover the purchasing steps, including how to simulate the impact of different RNG percentages based on your personal consumption. 

See purchasing steps 

We've got answers.

How do I know that I'm actually using renewable natural gas?

Nothing can confirm exactly how much RNG is consumed in your appliances, since RNG and traditional natural gas circulate in the same gas network. The molecules are therefore intermingled. It's the same for the electricity you consume: we can't know which dam or wind turbine the electron that lights our homes comes from.

When you buy RNG, you can be sure that this volume has been purchased by Énergir as part of its supply, replacing the traditional natural gas molecules. Your renewable natural gas purchase volumes are indicated on your detailed invoices under total natural gas consumption. Énergir has its RNG supply and inventory verified by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).

Do I need to modify any of my equipment to use renewable natural gas?

No. You don't need to buy or modify any equipment, because RNG and natural gas are interchangeable. RNG can be used for the same purposes as natural gas.

How do I buy RNG?

You can make a purchase request directly in the Customer Space in just a few clicks. Your Customer Space allows you to compare the impact of different RNG percentages based on your personal consumption. You can automatically see the anticipated additional monthly cost, as well as the avoided GHG emissions associated with your purchase.

*Approximate value. Calculations based on annual projections for active producers in Quebec beginning injection by December 2024.

**Approximate value. Calculations based on the emission factors used in the Règlement sur la déclaration obligatoire de certaines émissions de contaminants dans l’atmosphère (RDOCECA) Qc.30.

***Approximate value. Calculations based on the Facteurs d’émission et de conversion of the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) and on the Passenger Transportation Explanatory Variables’ table from Natural Resources Canada (2020).