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Combo system grant

The combo system heats all rooms and provides hot water to combine your comfort needs. It is called a combo because the water heater is combined with a fan coil unit that heats the air. This installation will save energy, and space.

Grant for a very high efficiency combo system

This grant concerns "warm air" combo systems with a condensing tankless water heater and an eligible fan coil with certified superior energy efficiency (CSA P9.standard).

Énergir offers a $850 for a very high efficiency combo system.¹

Eligible Appliances (PDF)

Note: The grant for an energy condensing combo system is no longer offer since October 1st, 2023.

Looking for a grant?

An Énergir expert will guide you through the simple process and help find the grants for which you are eligible.

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1. The rebates are applicable to Énergir customers who want to install a high energy efficiency natural gas water heater and an eligible fan coil with certified superior energy efficiency, provided that they do not have a heat pump or dual-energy heating system. Total financial assistance amounts must not exceed eligible expenses. Other conditions may apply. The terms and conditions of the program and the amounts of financial assistance are subject to change without notice. To benefit from this grant, you must sign a contract with Énergir or an Énergir Natural Gas Certified Partner first. The $850 amount is applicable for all contracts signed since March 1, 2022. Before this date, the applicable amount is $600.