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Study and Implementation Program: We accept more projects than you think!

Did you know that Énergir accepts the geothermal, aerothermal and thermal energy recovery measures from sources other than natural gas, including the use of heat pumps?

Among the conditions that apply, it is noted that the recovered thermal energy must result in a reduction in natural gas consumption, regardless of use (heating, hot water, ventilation, process).

Examples of eligible measures in the Study and Implementation component include:

  • Server room heat recovery;
  • Recovery on an electric furnace’s exhaust to preheat natural gas ventilation;
  • Energy recovery on air compressors to heat/ventilate the building;
  • Recovery of thermal energy from industrial chillers;
  • The use of a heat pump to recover discharged heat energy to heat, ventilate or produce hot process water.

For more information on the conditions surrounding this type of action, talk to your Major Industries Sales Advisor and refer to the Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures section of the Participant's Guide.