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Thermal solar preheating: a possible solution to save on your natural gas consumption

The sun is a free, renewable, year-round source of energy. An interesting way to exploit it is to use solar thermal technology to preheat the air or water you need in your operations. This therefore reduces your natural gas consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

When coupled with a natural gas process (e.g. industrial furnace), available thermal solar energy can be reclaimed year-round, improving the profitability of your solar installation and providing a much faster return on investment.

Énergir can provide you with a subsidy to cover up to 75% of the costs of your thermal solar preheating project, up to a maximum of $200,000.

Note that only systems using thermal sensors are eligible for this subsidy.

Contact your Major Industries Sales Advisor to assess the feasibility of this solution within your company.

To find out more:

Refer to the Participant's Guide

Watch our video on solar preheating (in French)