Climate resilience: Énergir is committed to decarbonization

February 17, 2022 - Press releases
In its second Climate Resilience Report, Énergir affirms its ambition to be a proactive leader in the fight against climate change by aiming for net-zero emissions in its operations and in the energy it distributes by 2050. Montreal, February 17, 2022 –
Today , Énergir, LP (“Énergir”) releases its second Climate Resilience Report under the terms of reference of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”). Since the release of its first report in 2021, Énergir has refined the quantification of the greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions expected through the measures proposed in its Vision 2030–2050. It remains aligned with the trajectory it has set out to fully decarbonize the energy it distributes to its customers by 2050.
“In the face of the climate emergency, Énergir is undergoing a profound transformation in order to evolve from an energy distributor to a diversified energy company and a partner of choice in the fight against climate change. Quebec's consumption of natural gas from fossil sources will decrease in the future in favor of renewable energy. That is a fact, and we are aiming to accelerate this trend. Thus, through this second report, we are clearly demonstrating our ambition to have a business model that is relevant from climate, financial and societal perspectives. And by the same token, how we are integrating climate risks and opportunities into our corporate vision in order to implement solutions that will contribute to Quebec's decarbonization,” explains Éric Lachance, President and Chief Executive Officer of Énergir.
Faced with the ever-increasing global mobilization and calls by the scientific community to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C, Énergir added, in the update to its report, the International Energy Agency's Net Zero Scenario, which proposes a trajectory aligned with this objective , allowing it to assess the resilience of its business model. Although its Vision is already compatible with a trajectory to limit warming to 2°C, Énergir also recognizes that it will have to go further and faster in its efforts to reduce GHG emissions by 2030.
Highlights from this second Climate Resiliency Report:
- Énergir's operational GHG emissions: Achievement of our 20% GHG reduction target by 2020 from 1990 levels;
- Energy efficiency: 104% of the 2021 annual target achieved;
- RNG: More than 5 million m 3 of RNG consumed by customers in fiscal year 2021;
- Net GHG emissions reductions of 2.2% in the building sector in fiscal year 2021;
- Electrification of heating and peak demand management: Entering into agreement with Hydro-Québec and filing of the residential offering with the Régie de l'énergie;
- Creation of a parity committee on a just transition with the Federation of Quebec Workers (FTQ) and Énergir's unionized employees.
In addition, to demonstrate the seriousness of its commitment, Énergir has added GHG performance indicators to its remuneration policy. As such, for the first time in its history, compensation for senior executives will be linked to the achievement of GHG emission reduction objectives.
Status and Progress of Énergir group's Activities
At the core of this second report, Énergir outlines the tangible progress of the various initiatives planned in its Vision 2030–2050 and in the climate change plans of its US subsidiaries, Green Mountain Power and Vermont Gas Systems. These initiatives reflect the evolution of the Énergir group in the transformation of its business model and in achieving its GHG emission reduction targets both in Quebec and for its operations in Vermont.
2021 Sustainable Performance Disclosure and Contribution to SDGs
At the same time, Énergir disclosed the results of its 2021 sustainable development performance and its contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), covering a significant range of environmental, social and governance indicators.
See the Complete Climate Resilience Report or Fact Sheet .
See our Sustainable Development Performance Monitoring Platform .
Check out our Vision 2030–2050 .
About Energir, LP
With more than $9 billion in assets, Énergir is a diversified energy business whose mission is to find increasingly sustainable ways to meet the energy needs of approximately 535,000 customers and the communities it serves. It is the largest natural gas distribution company in Quebec, where, through its joint ventures, it also generates electricity from wind power. Through its subsidiaries and other investments, Énergir as a presence in the United States, where it generates electricity from hydraulic, wind and solar sources; it is also the largest electricity distributor and the sole natural gas distributor in the State of Vermont. Énergir values energy efficiency and invests its resources and continues its efforts in innovative energy projects, such as renewable natural gas and liquefied and compressed natural gas. Through its subsidiaries, it also offers a variety of energy services. Energir strives to become the partner of choice for those seeking a better energy future.
For more information:
Elaine Arsenault
Communications and Public Affairs
1 866 598-3449