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Énergir unveils its 2015 sustainability report, based on GRI guidelines

June 16, 2016 - Press releases

Montreal, June 16, 2016 – Gaz Métro is proud today to release its second Sustainability Report, created in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. This initiative spotlights our efforts as an energy sector organization to meet both existing and long-term needs based on the priority aspects expressed by our stakeholders.

“Stakeholder engagement is at the core of this report. Their comments and suggestions were the starting point for our reflection process. We were able to carry out this rigorous exercise thanks to the unprecedented participation of 86 external and 57 internal stakeholders,” noted Stéphanie Trudeau, Vice President, Strategy, Communication and Sustainability.

As a biennial publication, the 2015 Sustainability Report covers the 2014 and 2015 fiscal years, ie from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015. It deals with 15 priority aspects, grouped under nine topics:

  1. Social acceptability
  2. Gas-supply
  3. Legal and regulatory context
  4. Growth and development
  5. Energy efficiency and internal energy consumption
  6. Emissions, leaks and environmental management
  7. Health, safety and workplace
  8. Customer satisfaction
  9. Safety of the gas network

The 2015 Sustainability Report includes a few new features, such as an explanation of the natural gas value chain, social acceptability sections and indicators, the regulatory context and new markets. It is available online only:

A summary sheet can be found at the same address, along with a brand new public platform for tracking our sustainability performance. In addition to the priority aspects documented in the report, the public sustainability performance tracking platform allows us to disclose all our sustainability performance indicators which will be updated every year. The Sustainability Report exercise will be carried out every two years: .

About Gas Metro

With more than $7 billion in assets, Gaz Métro is a leading energy provider. It is the largest natural gas distribution company in Quebec, where its network of over 10,000 km of underground pipelines serves some 300 municipalities and more than 200,000 customers. Gaz Métro is also present in Vermont, where it has more than 310,000 customers. There, it operates in the electricity production market and the electricity and natural gas distribution market. Gaz Métro is actively involved in developing and operating innovative, promising energy projects, including natural gas as fuel, liquefied natural gas as a replacement for higher emission-producing energies, the production of wind power and the development of biomethane. Gaz Métro is a major energy sector player that takes the lead in responding to the needs of its customers,


Maude Hébert-Chaput
Public Affairs
514 598-3449


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