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Énergir releases its first-ever climate resiliency report

February 4, 2021 - Press releases

Énergir believes that its business model is consistent with 2 degrees or less climate scenarios

Montréal, February 4, 2021 – Énergir, L.P. (“Énergir”) today released its first-ever Climate Resiliency Report, which follows the recommendations set by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”). This report is the result of a rigorous initiative that gives Énergir confidence in the resilience of its business model over the 2030 horizon according to a scenario that limits global warming to 2 degrees or less by 2100 compared to preindustrial levels. The central objective is to reduce by 30% the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the use of natural gas of its customers in the building sector by 2030, and over the 2050 horizon, Énergir wants to steer its activities to become completely carbon neutral.

“We’re proud to present our first report on Énergir’s climate resiliency, the result of the progress we have made in our thinking, outlining the corporate strategy we have built for the next 10 years and even beyond. With this report, we hope to meet the expectations expressed by several stakeholders regarding our role in efforts to reduce GHG emissions and achieve a lower-carbon economy,” stated Éric Lachance, President and Chief Executive Officer of Énergir.

In this report, Énergir presents its 2030–2050 vision, aimed at decarbonizing the natural gas network while focusing on high-value-added activities for the Québec energy system. The report also contains Green Mountain Power’s plan in Vermont with respect to electricity distribution to be 100% carbon-free by 2025, and 100% renewable by 2030. The report also provides an overview of the climate action plan of Vermont Gas Systems, Énergir’s Vermont natural gas distribution subsidiary, which aims to be net zero by 2050 with 30% GHG emissions reductions by 2030.

In line with TCFD recommendations, Énergir relied on quantitative scenarios from independent agencies that allow for the consideration of potential impacts of climate risks and opportunities in order to comment on the resilience of their business models.

Énergir has also released its 2020 sustainable development performance results and its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, covering a broad spectrum of environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators.

“Beyond today’s disclosures, all of these ESG performance indicators reflect our commitments, and the daily actions taken by all Énergir teams to make a positive contribution to the community and reduce the environmental footprint of our activities,” added Éric Lachance.

Consult the full Climate Resiliency Report or the fact sheet.
Consult our Sustainability performance tracking platform.

About Énergir, L.P.

With more than $8 billion in assets, Énergir is a diversified energy company whose mission is to find increasingly sustainable ways to meet the energy needs of its 530,000 customers and the communities it serves. It is the leading natural gas distribution company in Québec, where it also produces electricity from wind power through its subsidiaries. In the United States, the company operates through its subsidiaries where it produces electricity from hydraulic, wind and solar sources, while serving as the leading electricity distributor and the sole natural gas distributor in Vermont. Énergir values energy efficiency and invests both resources and efforts in innovative energy projects, such as renewable natural gas and liquefied and compressed natural gas. It also offers a variety of energy services through its subsidiaries. Énergir aspires to become the partner of choice for those striving toward a better energy future.

Élise Ducharme-Rivard
Communications and Public Affairs
1 866 598-3449

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