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Update on the renewable natural gas (RNG) file

Energir is stepping up efforts with the Régie de l'énergie to procure RNG to meet customer demand.

Énergir notes that the Regulation respecting the quantity of renewable natural gas to be delivered by a distributor, enacted by the Québec government, contains targets for the distribution of RNG.

As part of the regulatory process, it's expected that the following aspects of the RNG file will be the subject of representations in the coming months:

  • RNG purchase contracts
    Several contracts that are favorable for customers in terms of price, duration and volume will be submitted to the Régie for approval in order to increase Énergir's overall offer to satisfy its customers' voluntary demand.
  • Determination of a permanent rate
    The method for calculating the rate as well as the frequency of the rate update will be discussed. The RNG rate terms and conditions, including waiting list guidelines, will also be studied in detail.
  • Treatment of unsold units
    Énergir notes that the Regulation respecting the quantity of renewable natural gas to be delivered by a distributor, enacted by the Québec government, contains targets for the distribution of RNG. In the event that the quantities of RNG held by Énergir exceed its customers' voluntary demand , a method for handling these remaining costs must be determined.

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Natural gas price outlook
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