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Regulatory Update

Global Energy Efficiency Plan (GEEP)

In its decision D-2021-140, the Régie approved an increase of $3.5M in the budget margin for 2021–2022, in addition to the $31.8M already approved in decision D-2019-028. It therefore sets the overall GEEP budget at $35.2M,.

Changes to the “New Efficient Construction” section effective December 1, 2021

The new Quebec Construction Code requirements, effective December 27, 2021, aim to improve energy efficiency in new commercial, institutional, industrial and large residential buildings.
To ensure that our energy efficiency programs comply with these regulatory changes, we have adjusted our “New Efficient Construction” baseline:

  • The minimum performance threshold is now 5% higher than the NECB 2015-Qc.
  • We have also adjusted our grant amounts:
    - The grants are now $5/m3 (previously $1.50/m3)
    - The maximum amount is now $325,000 (previously $275,000)

These changes are in effect since December 1, 2021. Refer to the Participant’s Guide

Unit heater – effective February 1, 2022

The grant amounts will range between $1,000 and $2,900 per condensing unit heater depending on its capacity.
The list of eligible models and their respective grant amounts will be available on our website as of February 1, 2022.

Reminder of current rate adjustments

As communicated in the November 29 Express Bulletin, the rate adjustments for the 2021-2022 fiscal year are less significant than expected.

The Régie retained Énergir’s proposal to review, on an exceptional basis and only for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, the amortization of three deferred expense accounts (DEA) in order to reduce the impact of the anticipated increase rate for 2021-2022 for distribution and transportation services. It adds to this proposal an amendment to further reduce the rate impact on distribution service for 2021-2022 by suspending the amortization period of two DEAs in the 2021-2022 service cost. 

Combined with Énergir’s, this proposal reduces the overall rate adjustment from 23.35% to 15.6% (compared to 17.69% originally proposed by Énergir).

Rate flexibility

The Régie is asking Énergir to submit a proposal on the advisability of maintaining the Rate Flexibility Program for fuel oil and dual energy in the 2022–2023 rate case.

Énergir anticipates that there will be no opportunity for its customers to take advantage of a rate reduction related to the Rate Flexibility Program in 2021–2022, given the competitive situation of natural gas relative to fuel oil and dual energy electricity/fuel oil.