Residential Business Major industriesTransport Municipalities Partners About

Dedicated team

A team dedicated to new construction, including a sales representative, a DATECH Group engineer, a project technician and a co-ordinator are there to meet your needs from the time work begins to the tie-in to the gas network.

Your representative

The sales representative is your main contact and will support your project from start to finish. He/she will confirm the new building's proximity to the gas network, tell you about the available grants, keep you posted on new trends and advise you on the optimal technology and installations.

1800 567-1313   or     Write us

The DATECH Group

These Énergir engineering specialists work closely with our business representatives to offer you the most efficient technology solutions best suited to your needs. Services offered: an energy assessment to pinpoint the potential energy savings; a research and technological evaluation to recommend the most high-performance technology; a technical and financial feasibility study; and an evaluation of the results. With the DATECH Group, all your development, expansion or conversion projects are in good hands.

The project technician

Gaz Métro will appoint a contractor to connect your building to the gas system. The project technician will work with your project manager to co-ordinate the tie-in to the gas network

The acquisition and retention co-ordinator

Responsible for monitoring the work and keeping you informed. He/she will provide details of the work date.


514 598-3880