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Notice concerning measures to improve rate practices: tangible support for energy transition

June 22, 2017 - Press releases

Montréal, June 22, 2017 — Gaz Métro is very pleased with the possible solutions identified in the notice that the Régie de l’énergie sent to the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles (MERN) concerning the implementation of Québec’s 2030 Energy Policy. These possible solutions include the institution of measures to make public funding available to extend the gas network, to encourage an increase in the supply of renewable natural gas (RNG) able to flow through it and to expand and diversify the energy supply to facilitate energy transition in Québec.

“We welcome the measures put forward today that support the development and deployment of innovative solutions to meet the needs of Gaz Métro’s current and future customers while allowing Gaz Métro to remain competitive by distributing the least expensive energy source across all markets. We are also pleased with the importance accorded to the natural gas and RNG sectors, which serve as springboards for achieving Québec’s climate change goals,” explained Stéphanie Trudeau, Senior Vice President, Regulatory, Customers and Communities at Gaz Métro.

Support for the expansion of renewable natural gas

Several of the measures outlined in the notice would provide practical stimulation for the expansion of the RNG sector:

  • Set a minimum RNG content in the gas network of 1% of volumes consumed by 2020, with a gradual increase as the production sector grows.
  • Establish guaranteed buy-back parameters for producers, to stimulate the development of RNG production in Québec.
  • Institute a voluntary feed-in tariff for RNG to make it possible to develop a commercial offer for our customers in order to meet the growing demand for environmental and economical solutions.

The Régie de l’énergie is also asking the government to consider eventually offering support that would foster the expansion of the RNG sector while maintaining rate competitivity for natural gas consumers.

A regulatory framework that allows for greater diversification

Other recommended measures promote a more flexible regulatory framework that would encourage innovation and the expansion and diversification of gas distributors’ energy supply. By way of example, this would make it easier to roll out natural gas refuelling stations, stimulating the development of this market as well as the number of customers.
“In short, by developing markets where the use of natural gas is desirable from an environmental and economic point of view, Gaz Métro will be able to maintain its competitive rates,” Ms. Trudeau concluded.

About Gaz Métro

With more than $7 billion in assets, Gaz Métro is a leading energy provider. It is the largest natural gas distribution company in Québec, where its network of over 10,000 km of underground pipelines serves more than 300 municipalities and more than 205,000 customers. Gaz Métro is also present in Vermont, where it has more than 315,000 customers. There, it operates through its subsidiaries in the electricity production market and the electricity and natural gas distribution market. Gaz Métro is actively involved in developing and operating innovative, promising energy projects, including natural gas as fuel, liquefied natural gas as a replacement for higher emission-producing energies, the production of wind and solar power, and the development of biomethane. Gaz Métro is a major energy sector player that takes the lead in responding to the needs of its customers, regions and municipalities, local organizations, and communities while also satisfying the expectations of its Partners (GMi and Valener) and employees.



Geneviève Couture
Public Affairs
514 598-3449

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