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One step closer to delivering on our commitment to make new connections 100% renewable

Towards carbon neutrality for buildings


On August 31, Énergir filed an application with the Régie de l’énergie for authorization to make new residential, commercial and institutional connections 100% renewable through either renewable natural gas (RNG) or dual-energy electricity-RNG systems. This requirement will apply to customers connecting to Énergir’s network for the first time.

This initiative aims to reduce the consumption of fossil natural gas while helping Énergir and Québec’s building sector meet their decarbonization targets.

With this strong and consistent positioning, Énergir is confident that it will be able to slow the growth of new fossil gas connections. The initiative strengthens our leadership role in Québec’s decarbonization efforts and demonstrates Énergir’s commitment to meeting GHG reduction targets, including carbon neutrality in the building sector by 2040.

The application is available on the Régie de l’énergie du Québec website. (in French)