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Énergir welcomes the amendment to the Regulation respecting the quantity of renewable natural gas to be delivered by a distributor

August 31, 2022 - Press releases

Montreal, August 31, 2022 - Engaged in renewable natural gas (RNG) development for over a decade, Énergir is investing and continuing to pursue its injection targets to reduce his carbon footprint to benefit its customers who are intent on reducing their emissions. For this reason, it welcomes the amendment to the Regulation respecting the quantity of renewable natural gas to be delivered by a distributor.

“The establishment of a clear and predictable regulatory framework is a sine qua non for the long-term development of the RNG industry in Quebec,” said Stéphanie Trudeau, Executive Vice President, Quebec. “We very much welcome the adoption of the Regulation and its introduction of the concept of renewable gas.”

The 2030 Plan for a Green Economy, released in November 2020, announced the government’s determination to increase the minimum volume of RNG injected into its natural gas distribution network to 10% by 2030. This target is aligned with Énergir’s Vision 2030-2050, one of the pillars of which is to accelerate the injection of RNG into its network. The current Regulation is amended to introduce the new volume distribution threshold by 2030 and propose a new interim target of 7% by 2028. This interim target is welcome because it will facilitate RNG procurement planning by allowing for a gradual increase in projects under development.

Finally, the Regulation now specifies that RNG counted towards meeting the targets must be delivered for final consumption in the exclusive territory of the distributors, which clarifies the notion of RNG delivery obligation in Quebec that was not included in the Regulations currently in force.

About Énergir
With more than $9 billion in assets, Énergir, L.P. is a diversified energy company whose mission is to meet the energy needs of its 535,000 customers and the communities it serves in Quebec and Vermont, in an increasingly sustainable manner. Énergir, L.P. is the largest natural gas distribution company in Quebec and also produces electricity from wind energy through joint ventures. Through subsidiaries and other investments, the company operates in the United States, where it produces electricity from water, wind and solar sources, and is the main electricity distributor and sole distributor of natural gas in the State of Vermont. Énergir, L.P. promotes energy efficiency, invests in and continues to be involved in innovative energy projects such as renewable natural gas and liquefied and compressed natural gas. Through its subsidiaries, it also offers a variety of energy services. “Énergir. L.P. is striving to become the sought-after and valued partner by all those who aspire to a better energy future.”

Catherine Houde

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