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Renewable natural gas: Study confirms economic potential for Quebec regions

February 6, 2019 - Press releases

MONTREAL, February 6, 2019 – A new study has shown that in addition to propelling Quebec's energy transition forward, renewable natural gas (RNG) production is a major driver for economic development in all regions of Quebec. Those were the conclusions of a study conducted by Aviseo Consulting to evaluate the economic, tax and foundational impacts of RNG production for communities.

The impacts identified were based on the results of a study published in November 2018 showing that by 2030, Québec has the technical and economic potential to produce enough RNG to replace two thirds of the natural gas currently distributed in Québec with natural gas from renewable sources.

Study highlights

  • The construction phase for RNG production centers would entail nearly $20 billion in investments, contribute approximately $8 billion to Québec's GDP, support more than 88,000 jobs and allow the Québec and federal governments to earn $1.3 billion in income taxes and other taxes.
  • After reaching its full potential, RNG production would contribute about $1.6 billion to Québec's GDP each year, support 15,000 direct and indirect jobs and generate $256 million in annual tax revenues for the Québec and federal governments.
  • Quebec's regions would benefit greatly because over 70% of the GDP supported by RNG production would be generated in the regions where the production facilities would be located.
  • In the municipal, agricultural and forestry sectors, RNG production would help to diversify revenue sources.
  • RNG production contributes to Québec's circular economy by turning organic waste into locally produced renewable energy while reducing our reliance on imported energy. In addition, the digestate originating from RNG production is an odor-free fertilizer that can be reused for agricultural purposes.

- “We were already aware of RNG's benefits for the environment and Quebec's potential for producing RNG. Thanks to this study, we now know to what extent RNG could be profitable for all regions of Quebec. The study confirms that Quebec has everything it needs to build a RNG industry that creates quality jobs in Quebec's regions. Énergir is very proud to be playing a role in its development in cooperation with engaged, visionary partners.” – Sophie Brochu, President and Chief Executive Officer of Énergir.

- “Aviseo is pleased to have conducted this study that lays the foundation for an important discussion about Québec's energy future. The numbers are clear: RNG production could be a strong economic driver for Quebec and its impact would extend into the regions and municipalities and across industries.” – Benoit Longchamps, Senior Manager, Aviseo

About Énergir
With more than $7 billion in assets, Énergir is a diversified energy company whose mission is to find increasingly sustainable ways to meet the energy needs of its 520,000 customers and the communities it serves. In Quebec, it is the leading natural gas distribution company and also produces, through its subsidiaries, electricity from wind power. Through its subsidiaries in the United States, the company operates in 15 states where it produces electricity from hydraulic, wind and solar sources, while serving as the leading electricity distributor and the sole natural gas distributor in Vermont. Énergir values ​​energy efficiency and invests both resources and efforts in innovative energy projects such as renewable natural gas and liquefied and compressed natural gas. Through its subsidiaries, it also provides a variety of energy services.

About Aviseo Consulting
Aviseo is an independent Quebec-based firm providing leading-edge economic and strategic consulting services. It offers a customized approach based on rigorous, innovative and objective research.

Additionnal information:
Technical sheet - Renewable natural gas (RNG) production: Key driver in the energy transition and economic development for Québec regions (PDF)

For more information:
Aude Simonnot-Lanciaux
Tact Intelligence-conseil
Work: 514 667-0196, ext. 427
Cell: 438 979-1510

Élise Ducharme Rivard
Work: 514 598-3449

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