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Renewable Natural Gas - Adoption of New Regulation to Support the Sector's Development

March 26, 2019 - Press releases

MONTREAL, March 26, 2019 - Énergir is pleased with the adoption of the Regulation respecting the quantity of renewable natural gas to be delivered by a distributor. Announced earlier today by Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonatan Julien, this regulation establishes a governing framework for one of the objectives of the 2030 Energy Policy Action Plan.

The regulation sets the minimum quantity of RNG to be injected by a natural gas distributor at 1% of the total quantity of natural gas the distributor distributes as of 2020, and progressively increases that quantity to set it as of 2025 at 5% of the total quantity of natural gas distributed.

"This regulation will further boost Québec's RNG production and, as a result, increase the quantities available to our clients who wish to reduce the environmental footprint of their energy consumption", said Sophie Brochu, President and Chief Executive Officer of Énergir.

During the press conference, Minister Julien also indicated that $18M would be allocated for bioenergy demonstration projects. This measure was announced by the government in its budget, which was tabled last Thursday, March 21.

The Minister also announced the establishment of a committee to monitor the RNG sector. Énergir will be pleased to collaborate in this initiative to ensure that the regulation is applied and to facilitate collaboration among the different stakeholders.

A recent study revealed that Québec has the technical and economic production potential to replace two thirds of the natural gas currently distributed in Québec with renewable natural gas by 2030. Development of this new renewal energy sector, in addition to be a significant lever for the energy transition, is also a major driver for the economic development of Quebec and its regions.

About Énergir
With more than $7 billion in assets, Énergir is a diversified energy company, whose mission is to find increasingly sustainable ways to meet the energy needs of its 520,000 customers and the communities it serves. In Quebec, it is the leading natural gas distribution company and also produces, through its subsidiaries, electricity from wind power. Through its subsidiaries in the United States, the company operates in 15 states where it produces electricity from hydraulic, wind and solar sources, while serving as the leading electricity distributor and the sole natural gas distributor in Vermont. Énergir values ​​energy efficiency and invests both resources and efforts in innovative energy projects such as renewable natural gas and liquefied and compressed natural gas. Through its subsidiaries, it also provides a variety of energy services.


Catherine Houde
Communications and Public Affairs

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