Public note (File R-4213-2022 phase 2)

April 13, 2023 - Public notice
Request for approval of the supply plan and amendment to the conditions of service and tariff of Énergir, l.p., effective october 1, 2023 (File R-4213-2022 phase 2)
The Régie de l’énergie (the Régie) will hold a public hearing to consider Énergir, L.P. (Énergir’s) application for approval of its supply plan and the establishment of its rates as of October 1, 2023 (2023-2024 rate file).
On March 31, 2023, in support of the 2023-2024 rate file, Énergir filed the documents relating to its gas supply plan, global energy efficiency plan (GEEP), the compliance strategy for the Cap and-Trade System for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances and changes to the monitoring of investment projects. It will complete the filing of the other documents to establish the Conditions of Service and Tariff on October 1, 2023, no later than May 12, 2023.