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Rivière-du-Loup joins the Blue Road, a natural
gas network for heavy-transport vehicle

April 28, 2016 - Partner releases

Rivière-du-Loup, April 28, 2016 – SÉMER, in collaboration with the City of Rivière-du-Loup and Gaz Métro Transport
Solutions (GMTS), a subsidiary of Gaz Métro Limited Partnership, is proud to announce the installation of a new
liquefied natural gas refueling station on the Blue Road, a network of natural gas stations. This new station, located at
Carrefour du Camion R.D.L, will enable the City of Rivière-du-Loup to become a strategic point for transport companies
wanting to use natural gas as a fuel.

For the president of SÉMER, Michel Lagacé, this is "an important step, because these facilities are part of the
development of an inspiring and promising partnership with such a major player as GMTS. Ultimately, the entire region
will benefit."
As for GMTS, the company is "thrilled to see a new destination added to the seven existing stations on the Blue Road,
which enables transport companies to operate with a more eco-friendly fuel. Furthermore, it will enable transport
companies that already use liquefied natural gas, as well as those wanting to begin using it, to travel east toward
Gaspésie or New Brunswick or west toward Montréal," notes Sylvain Langis, Director, Business Development, GMTS.
As a result, the residents and businesses in the Rivière-du-Loup region will also benefit from the advantages provided
by natural gas in the heavy transport industry.

An important agreement

The parties have agreed that as soon as the various tests necessary are conclusive, the refueling station's tank will be
filled with the biomethane produced by SÉMER.

SOW expects to produce approximately 3.5 million diesel-equivalent liters of liquefied biomethane at its plant, from
which will be drawn the amounts agreed on for the station, and this renewable natural gas will eventually make up
100% of the station's supply.

"This agreement is important for us," notes Mr. Lagacé, "because it provides us with a solid, highly reliable business
foundation that makes it possible to look confidently to the future to take maximum advantage of all of the plant's
production potential."

For Rivière-du-Loup's mayor, Gaétan Gamache, "this agreement is wonderful major news worth celebrating. And these
refueling facilities give even more tangible meaning to the entire strategy of making biomethane a key sector for

Sustainable development as a value

Mayor Gaétan Gamache said he is "proud to make sustainable development a true priority and not just a slogan. We
intentionally chose to invest in biomethanization and have several good reasons for doing so: from an environmental
perspective, on the one hand, to decrease the volumes sent to the engineered landfill, in particular. But also because it
is an excellent business decision. We chose to invest a lot of money and energy in biomethanization because we
believe in it. And events are proving us right. We are extremely pleased to participate so concretely in the deployment
of liquefied biomethane. It is a viable, responsible and profitable solution."


Société d'économie mixte d'énergie renouvelable (SÉMER)

SÉMER is a semi-public renewable energy company in the Rivière-du-Loup region that designed and operates the
Rivière-du-Loup biomethanization plant. This company is the result of the partnership between the RCM of Rivière-du-
Loup, the City of Rivière-du-Loup and Terix Envirogaz Inc.

Gaz Metro Transportation Solution

Gaz Métro Transport Solutions (GMTS), a subsidiary of Gaz Métro, was created in 2010 to encourage the transportation
industry to switch to natural gas, a cleaner alternative to diesel. GMTS's mandate is to develop the market for
compressed and liquefied natural gas as a fuel. Natural gas is a more economical and environmentally
friendly choice, with enormous potential for the transportation industry from a commercial standpoint.

With more than $7 billion in assets, Gaz Métro is a leading energy provider. It is the largest natural gas distribution
company in Quebec, where its network of over 10,000 km of underground pipelines serves more than
300 municipalities and more than 200,000 customers. Gaz Métro is also present in Vermont, producing electricity and
distributing electricity and natural gas to meet the needs of more than 310,000 customers. Gaz Métro is actively
involved in the development and operation of innovative, promising energy projects, including natural gas as fuel,
liquefied natural gas as a replacement for higher emission-producing energies, wind power and biomethane.
Gaz Métro is a major energy sector player that takes the lead in responding to the needs of its customers, regions and
municipalities, local organizations and communities while also satisfying the expectations of its Partners
(Gaz Métro inc. and Valener) and employees.


David Lemelin, Director
Communications Department
City of Rivière-du-Loup
418 867-6706

Maude Hébert-Chaput
Public Affairs and Communications
Gaz Métro


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