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Terms and conditions

Request to purchase renewable natural gas

In submitting this request to Énergir, s.e.c. (Énergir), we agree to purchase renewable natural gas (RNG) from Énergir according to the following terms and conditions:

  • Quantity: The smallest of the following two quantities: i) the percentage of our annual consumption of natural gas, as determined in our request; or ii) the percentage determined by Énergir.
  • Terms and conditions: The Énergir Conditions and Tariffs approved by the Régie de l’énergie, as modified from time to time, apply. The rate for the supply of RNG is set annually. It is currently approved at 72,457 ¢/m3 ($19.12/GJ), to which is added the other services provided by Énergir (transportation, balancing, etc.).
  • Start date for purchase of RNG: The latest of the two following dates: i) the date determined in our request; or ii) the date set by Énergir.
  • Supply service provided by the customer: Only customers with direct purchase with transfer contracts can consume RNG distributed by Énergir. Customers with direct purchase without transfer and/or with fixed-price contracts are not eligible to purchase RNG distributed by Énergir. The percentage of RNG for eligible customers with direct purchase with transfer is that accepted by Énergir.

Énergir will inform me in writing (Notice of acceptance) of the consumption parameters accepted within 7-30 days following receipt of my request.

Upon receipt of the Notice of acceptance from Énergir, we may request a change to our commitment to consume RNG as of the 1st day of a given month (the “Requested Month”) provided that Énergir has received, no later than the 20th day

of the month preceding the Requested Month, a written notice from us indicating the new percentage of consumption of RNG desired. Failing this, the change will be made by Énergir on the 1st day of the month following the Requested

Month. Notwithstanding the above, we understand that Énergir may postpone the effective date of this change for operational reasons.