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A high pressure natural gas line near your home!

Safety measures are required

Complete the Énergir's authorization request form

Complete Champion Pipeline's authorization request form

What is a high pressure natural gas line?

In providing service throughout Québec, Énergir transports natural gas over long distances through high pressure natural gas lines (up to 30 times the pressure of a car tire). The presence of these lines is identified by visual markers that contain information in case of emergency. These markers may not indicate the exact location of the line.

Area protected by the easement

A servitude was granted to Énergir, either by you or by a previous owner, so that we may construct, operate or carry out work or maintenance on our natural gas installations.
For the area protected by the servitude, an authorization request must be obtained from Énergir to:

  • Carry out any work, construct a facility or engage in ground disturbance work (eg, work that reduces the thickness of the layer of soil, planting of a hedge, installation of a fence, leveling)
  • Cross a natural gas line with a vehicle or mobile equipment above this area.

Map of the gas network

Restrictions on use within the area protected by the easement

The area protected by the servitude must allow free access at all times to enable our employees to circulate, on foot or by vehicle, during maintenance work or in the event of an emergency.


Farmland owner

You are not allowed to:

  • Erect buildings and structures
  • Install swimming pools, terraces or sheds or similar structures
  • Plant trees
  • Dig wells or do any other type of drilling
  • Store materials, firewood, equipment or vehicles
  • Do any earthwork
  • Use dynamite
  • Have open fires
  • Park vehicles (even temporarily)

For the area protected by the servitude, an authorization request must be obtained from Énergir to:

  • Carry out any work, construct a facility or engage in ground disturbance work (eg, work that reduces the thickness of the layer of soil, planting of a hedge, installation of a fence, leveling)
  • Cross a natural gas line with a vehicle or mobile equipment above this area.

Need information?

1 800 567-1313  or  Write us

New dedicated phone line for owners of agricultural land.

You are not allowed to:

  • Erect buildings or structures, manure pits or septic beds
  • Install sheds or similar structures
  • Plant trees, including fruit trees and fruit shrubs
  • Dig wells or do any other type of drilling
  • Store materials, firewood, equipment or vehicles
  • Do any earthwork
  • Use dynamite
  • Have open fires
  • Park vehicles (even temporarily)

For the area protected by the servitude, an authorization request must be obtained from Énergir to:

  • Carry out any work, construct a facility or engage in ground disturbance work (e.g., cleaning ditches, work that reduces the thickness of the layer of soil, including activities such as agricultural drainage, fencing, levelling and plowing at depths in excess of 30 cm)
  • Cross a natural gas line with a vehicle or mobile equipment above this area, other than mobile equipment used for agricultural purposes.

Need information?

1 877 219-3746 or Write us


You are not allowed to:

  • Erect buildings and structures
  • Install swimming pools, terraces or sheds or similar structures
  • Plant trees
  • Dig wells or do any other type of drilling
  • Store materials, firewood, equipment or vehicles
  • Do any earthwork
  • Use dynamite
  • Have open fires
  • Park vehicles (even temporarily)

For the area protected by the servitude, an authorization request must be obtained from Énergir to:

  • Carry out any work, construct a facility or engage in ground disturbance work (eg, work that reduces the thickness of the layer of soil, planting of a hedge, installation of a fence, leveling)
  • Cross a natural gas line with a vehicle or mobile equipment above this area.

Need information?

1 800 567-1313  or  Write us

New dedicated phone line for owners of agricultural land.

Farmland owner

You are not allowed to:

  • Erect buildings or structures, manure pits or septic beds
  • Install sheds or similar structures
  • Plant trees, including fruit trees and fruit shrubs
  • Dig wells or do any other type of drilling
  • Store materials, firewood, equipment or vehicles
  • Do any earthwork
  • Use dynamite
  • Have open fires
  • Park vehicles (even temporarily)

For the area protected by the servitude, an authorization request must be obtained from Énergir to:

  • Carry out any work, construct a facility or engage in ground disturbance work (e.g., cleaning ditches, work that reduces the thickness of the layer of soil, including activities such as agricultural drainage, fencing, levelling and plowing at depths in excess of 30 cm)
  • Cross a natural gas line with a vehicle or mobile equipment above this area, other than mobile equipment used for agricultural purposes.

Need information?

1 877 219-3746 or Write us

What to do before starting any work?

  1. Submit a locate request for underground infrastructures at or 1 800 663-9228 (it's fast and free).
    Submit a locate request
  2. Complete the Énergir authorization request form (allow 10 business days for processing).
    Complete the form

Safety of the natural gas network

Énergir conducts ongoing monitoring of its natural gas network through numerous control points along the entire network, 24/7, 365 days a year. In addition, a preventive maintenance program ensures the safety of the network across Quebec.

How do you recognize a leak?

Here are some potential signs:

  • Smell of rotten eggs in some cases
  • Dead or discolored vegetation in grassy areas
  • A dust cloud near an opening in the ground
  • A low whistling sound
  • Continuously bubbling water in wet or flooded areas
  • The presence of a flame (if there is a leak and a source of ignition)

What to do if there is a leak?

  • Call 9-1-1 ;
  • Evacuate the area and try to prevent anyone from gaining access;
  • Avoid flames and sparks;
  • If there is a fire, do not try to put it out.

Schedule of preventive activities

Each year, Énergir will carry out preventive activities in the area protected by the servitude to ensure the integrity of the underground high pressure natural gas line located on your land. Some of these activities include:

  • Vegetation control: May to August
  • Patrols on foot or on all-terrain vehicles: May to October
  • Aerial patrols: At all times

Vegetation control

To ensure that Énergir has unlimited access to the area protected by the servitude, we perform vegetation control for safety and maintenance reasons. This activity is in line with government and municipal requirements.

Patrols on foot or on all-terrain vehicles

Énergir carries out inspections of the area protected by a servitude on foot or on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) to identify small leaks or to inspect visual markers.

Aerial patrol

Énergir regularly flies at low altitude over the natural gas network to intercept any unauthorized activities (eg, fencing, earthwork, storage) in the area protected by the servitude and to detect leaks with specialized detection equipment.