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Request For Information for renewable natural gas volumes

Énergir has issued a request for information for renewable natural gas (RNG) producers.

Since 2019, the Regulation Respecting the Quantity of Renewable Natural Gas to be Delivered by Distributor (c. R -6.01, r.4.3) requires gas distributors to deliver 7% of their RNG volumes for the fiscal year beginning October 2028 and 10% for the fiscal year beginning October 2030.

As a key player in Quebec’s energy transition, and in accordance with this regulation, Énergir is pursuing its supply of RNG to meet these targets while reducing its GHG emissions.

The purpose of this request is to obtain information on projects that produce RNG that can be delivered no later than October 1, 2026.

Respondents will have until November 7, 2024 to submit their response.

Projects targeted by the request for information

This request targets RNG producers:

  • Located in Quebec or anywhere in North America,
  • Able to commit for first deliveries on October 2026,
  • Producing RNG from organic feedstock (farming, landfills, municipalities, industrials, forestry, others).

Filling responses

Project developers are invited to submit their response to the Request for Information (RFI) via email to [email protected] by November 7, 2024, 5 PM EST.

Documents for preparing and submitting a response to the request for information.

See the documents


Have any questions? Here are our answers.

The Q&A section is updated on a regular basis. Please send us your question at [email protected].

Have any questions?
Here are our answers

The Q&A section is updated on a regular basis.
Please send us your question.

Write to us

Can the RNG be delivered into pipeline using a CNG or LNG virtual pipeline to any available closest injection station?

The RNG produced has to be injected into a pipeline system physically connected to the North American gas grid. Énergir requires delivery of the gas and the attributes at one of the gas hubs defined at Appendix 4. Transport between the RNG production site and the selected hub is at the producer's expense.

What is the earliest start date volumes can be delivered to Énergir?

There is no earliest date mentioned in our RFI, as we are open to discussing projects that are ready to inject before October 2026. However, we require the RNG to be delivered no later than October 1, 2026. Therefore, you may submit projects that will inject before October 1, 2026.