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Natural gas in Québec

A favorable energy context for the industrial sector

Why establish facilities in Quebec?

As well as being an ideal location for access to North American and European markets, Quebec is also one of the most propitious Canadian provinces for industrial development because of its many advantages in terms of energy.


Advantageous regulatory framework which ensures stability in natural gas costs.


As a turn-key option, Énergir take care of connecting new customers, including constructing the natural gas line and installing the metering equipment.
(A financial contribution can be required)


Énergir has an authorized 10% transmission over-capacity (compared with estimate needs) to facilitate its industrial customers’ development.


High energy efficiency programs encourage the development of new industries.
Certain conditions apply.

Strategic location

Maritime strategy promotion industrial-port areas, most served by the natural gas network.

Political will

Québec energy policy that encourages the use of natural gas to reduce GHG emissions in the industrial sector.

Ressource rich

Québec is known for its iron ore, zinc, gold, niobium, titanium, nickel, copper, silver, and lithium deposits.

Where is the natural gas network located?

Looking to set up your industrial business in Quebec and need a natural gas supply? Find out which cities and even which industrial parks Énergir serves.

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Natural gas technical properties

If it takes natural gas to manufacture your goods, it is crucial that you make sure you are using high-quality and stable natural gas. Discover the properties of the natural gas used by Quebec's industrial sector.

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Liquified natural gas

Thanks to liquefied natural gas, industrial and mining facilities located in remote areas not served by Énergir's network can still enjoy the many benefits of natural gas.

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Renewable natural gas

Énergir wants to increase the quantity of renewable natural gas (RNG) in its network. It is therefore actively involved in the development of biomethane, a 100% renewable natural gas produced from the decomposition of organic wastes.

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New industries

For new industries examining the possibility of setting up in Québec, Énergir has developed an information document containing all the data that you will find on this website. Download this document in a printable format below.

Natural gas supply in Québec (PDF)

Additional sheets
Energy efficiency grant programs (PDF)

Natural gas technical properties (PDF)

Renewable natural gas (PDF)
Liquified natural gas (PDF)

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