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Take the leap into decarbonization.

Accelerate your business’s energy transition thanks to solutions focused on energy efficiency, dual energy and renewable natural gas.

Three offers that combine to reduce your carbon footprint

Que vous commenciez votre transition énergétique ou qu’elle soit déjà engagée, Énergir vous offre trois solutions pour réduire vos émissions de GES : l’efficacité énergétique, la biénergie et le gaz naturel renouvelable. Ces solutions peuvent être mises en œuvre séparément ou combinées pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs selon vos besoins énergétiques et vos contraintes opérationnelles.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency measures help you reduce your energy consumption and optimize your energy use. Énergir offers a number of grants to help you implement these measures in your business.

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Renewable natural gas

Renewable natural gas is a 100% renewable source of energy produced from organic matter. It can replace conventional natural gas without a change in equipment. It’s available now—and it can quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Dual energy

Dual energy uses electricity as the main energy source and natural gas as a backup source when electricity demand is very high or in very cold weather. It gets you the right energy at the right time and at the best cost!

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Case studies

We’ve been helping our customers reduce their GHG emissions since 2001. In those 20 years, we’ve been collaborators on more than 141,000 energy-efficiency projects that have kept more than 1.4 million tonnes of GHGs out of the atmosphere. And we’re just getting started—by 2030 we want save another million tonnes of GHGs. See how we’ve helped our customers in our case studies.

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A team of experts by your side

The DATECH Group is a team of seasoned engineers dedicated to optimizing your company’s energy use and energy efficiency while reducing costs. Their services and knowledgeable advice will help you find the best decarbonization strategies.

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Ready to take action?

Want to discuss your project? Contact us today.