Three offers that combine to reduce your carbon footprint
Whether your energy transition is just starting or already underway, we offer three solutions to our clients for reducing your GHG emissions: energy efficiency, dual energy and renewable natural gas. These solutions can be implemented separately or combined to help you reach your goals based on your energy needs and operational constraints.

Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency measures help you reduce your energy consumption and optimize your energy use. Énergir offers a number of grants to help you implement these measures in your business.

Renewable natural gas
Renewable natural gas is a 100% renewable source of energy produced from organic matter. It can replace fossil-based natural gas without a change in equipment. It’s available now—and it can quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Dual energy
Dual energy uses electricity as the main energy source and natural gas as a backup source when electricity demand is very high or in very cold weather. It gets you the right energy at the right time and at the best cost!

Case studies
We’ve been helping our customers reduce their GHG emissions since 2001. In those 20 years, we’ve been collaborators on more than 141,000 energy-efficiency projects that have kept more than 1.4 million tonnes of GHGs out of the atmosphere. And we’re just getting started—by 2030 we want save another million tonnes of GHGs. See how we’ve helped our customers in our case studies. In addition, a number of organizations have chosen dual energy to decarbonize their buildings, taking advantage of the multiple benefits of this solution.
A team of experts by your side
Your Energy Solutions representative or Major Industries advisor offers the best solutions for your business. In partnership with an expert from the DATECH team, they will help you optimize your company’s energy use and energy efficiency while reducing costs.
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