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Industrial burner

Reach high temperature faster.

Benefits of an industrial natural gas burner

A must for any company wishing to modernize its production, the industrial natural gas burner is ideal for industrial applications as it can improve the performance and productivity of the appliances and equipment it powers. More specifically, it enables high temperatures to be reached very rapidly in order to meet your production requirements. Precision, control and power are but a few of the advantages of an industrial natural gas burner. This unit can reach high temperatures faster and more uniformly than an oil-powered burner.

Chart comparing annual energy costs3 equivalent to 1,000,000 m3 (100% process) which represents energy consumption for a big industry.

Reduce your energy costs

Cheaper than fuel-oil - Lower your energy bill by installing an industrial natural gas burner. Not only is natural gas more powerful than electricity or fuel-oil, but it also costs less.

Consume less, spend less - With an energy efficiency rating that can reach 95%, this highly efficient industrial burner helps improve performance while saving you money!

Benefit from Énergir grants

Multiply your savings! In addition to seeing your monthly energy costs decrease, you can take advantage of Énergir grants and rebates. One more reason to switch to blue

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Choose performance

Designed specifically for industrial applications, the high-efficiency industrial burner can help your company improve productivity.

See Data Sheet (PDF)

Choose the reliability of Énergir's network

By opting for natural gas, you are choosing Énergir’s reliable and secure distribution network! One of the most modern in North America, it meets the Canadian gas industry’s strictest standards and is monitored day and night, 365 days a year.

Like what you see?

A Énergir expert will make sure that it is the right equipment for your needs and will explain how to proceed to have it installed.

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1. The rebates are applicable to businesses located on the Énergir gas network and equipped with central heating appliances, provided that they do not have a heat pump or dual-energy heating system. The amount of financial assistance is based on expected natural gas consumption, the type of appliance to be installed and the total amount of the investment. The 15% total corresponds to a potential customer who installs a natural gas warm-air furnace with a capacity of 10,000 m3. The rebates are subject to credit approval and eligibility for the natural gas Consumption Rebate Program and the Energy Efficiency Program. The terms and conditions of the program and the amounts of financial assistance are subject to change without notice. A five-year natural gas supply contract is required. Other conditions may apply. The financial assistance will only be paid once the natural gas appliance(s) is(are) installed. The eligibility criteria are listed in the Consumption Rebate Program guide approved by the Régie de l’énergie, a copy of which may be obtained on request.

2. The rebates are applicable to businesses located on the Énergir gas network and equipped with oil-fired central heating appliances, provided that they do not have a heat pump or dual-energy heating system and that the expected new natural gas appliance consumption is at least of 3,600m3 of natural gas. Other conditions may apply. The terms and conditions of the program and the amounts of financial assistance are subject to change without notice. To benefit from this grant, you must sign a contract with Énergir or an Énergir Partner first.

1-2: The cost to switch to natural gas includes a basic connection charge of $300. An additional cost may apply if an extension to the natural gas network is needed, plus an additional contribution based on the expected consumption of natural gas.

3. According to the prices in effect from July 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022. Based on Énergir rates and those of Hydro-Québec approved by the Régie de l’énergie; takes into account base electric consumption and rack price of oil with 2% sulfur including, in particular, transport, distribution and CATS.