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Société immobilière Duguay scores a double win with dual-energy

Société immobilière Duguay, a Trois-Rivières company, has taken advantage of the joint grant program from the Quebec government, Hydro-Québec and Énergir to convert several of its buildings to dual energy. This has contributed to two key objectives: reducing its carbon footprint and lowering heating costs for its tenants.

Timely grants

For this company that manages more than a million square feet of commercial space and rental offices in Trois-Rivières and the Quebec City area, the grant program for switching to dual energy came at just the right time: “The natural gas rooftop units at some of our commercial buildings were nearing the end of their lifecycle,” explains Philippe Duguay, President and founder of the company.

“Access to this financial assistance sped up our decision to replace these units with hybrid natural gas/electricity units.”

Proactive support

It all started with an email from Énergir about the grant program. “It sparked our interest in dual energy,” says Philippe Duguay. “Our Énergir representative came to present the program in detail and convinced us to move forward.” Following a cost analysis and a call for tenders to carry out the work, the company was once again able to benefit from advice and personalized support from the Énergir representative, who provided guidance in choosing the right equipment. “Without that email and the Énergir representative, we wouldn’t have thought of joining the program,” adds Philippe Duguay.

A winning solution for the environment…

With grants* totalling nearly $800,000, the company replaced its old natural gas units with high-efficiency, next-generation hybrid units in six of its commercial buildings on Boulevard des Récollets, Boulevard Jean-XXIII and Rue Barkoff in Trois-Rivières. These devices operate on electricity about 70% of the time. Natural gas takes over when demand peaks or outside temperatures drop to -12°C or below, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing fossil natural gas consumption.

…and for tenants

In addition to allowing the company to do its part for the environment, this conversion to dual energy helps the commercial and business tenants of the spaces save money. “Our tenants pay for their own heat and are very affected by the many costs increases they’re experiencing, including for energy. We’re pleased that these new units can help reduce their energy bills,” says Philippe Duguay.

An obvious choice

Encouraged by this successful initial experience, the company is already planning to convert other buildings to dual energy in the summer of 2025. “When you can replace energy-intensive, higher-emission units with more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient ones, the choice isn’t hard. We’re thinking about the future, and the grants factor into our decisions,” concludes Philippe Duguay.

Six buildings

converted to dual energy


in total grants* for converting buildings to dual energy

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* Grant amount is unique to each project, and is based on the estimated costs of carrying out the project. It is calculated on the basis of the equipment installed and its power output, and can cover up to 80% of the estimated additional costs of the project, to a maximum of $250,000 per site. To find out more, visit our web page Energir | Grants